- Commins engine is widely used in domestic vibroseis. 國產(chǎn)系列可控震源普遍采用康明斯發(fā)動(dòng)機。
- VQC is a software that can analyze and monitor vibroseis state. VQC是用于對可控震源狀態(tài)進(jìn)行分析與監控的軟件。
- Strengthen scientific management to prolong the working life of vibroseis AMG. 加強科學(xué)管理延長(cháng)AMG可控震源使用壽命
- Vibroseis is one of important parts of seism exploration technology. 震源是地震勘查技術(shù)的重要組成部分,是產(chǎn)生地震信號的源頭。
- The motor of Vibroseis drives over 5 - 6 hydraulic pumps by transfer case so that its hydraulic system is very complex. 可控震源的發(fā)動(dòng)機通過(guò)分動(dòng)箱驅動(dòng)了五、六個(gè)以上的液壓泵,因此,可控震源的液壓系統較復雜。
- Chen, T.-S.(1988) The vibroseis exploration in Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 24, 160-181. 陳太山(1988)振蕩震源震測應用于臺灣。臺灣石油地質(zhì),第24號,第160-181頁(yè)。
- Tremendous cost reductions in vibroseis surveys could be achieved by employing slip-sweep method. 利用“滑動(dòng)掃描”方法可以節省可控震源在進(jìn)行地震勘探時(shí)所需的費用和時(shí)間。
- A scanning signal from vibroseis is correlated with reference one to give rise to a correlation record. 可控震源激發(fā)的地震波是一個(gè)掃描信號,將此掃描信號與參考掃描作互相關(guān)得到相關(guān)記錄。
- Moreover, the paper deals with the experiments of phased array vibroseis system. 運行狀況實(shí)時(shí)報告;
- Design and research of phased array vibroseis is a new try for shallow stratum exploration. 本文借鑒相控陣雷達技術(shù),在實(shí)驗室原有輕便電磁驅動(dòng)可控震源研究的基礎上,提出一種相控可控震源的設計方案,完成了樣機的研制,并進(jìn)行了野外實(shí)驗。
- Theoretical model tests and practical vibroseis information processing have proved the feasibility of this approach. 理論模型測試和實(shí)際可控震源資料處理證明了這種方法的可行性。
- Mainly, the paper discussed the hardware and software design of phased array vibroseis system. 其中,信號發(fā)生模塊和功率放大模塊是可控震源子站的核心部分。
- SGA software offers a wide range of options to control the quality of vibroseis sources directly from the 408UL environment. SGA(信號圖形分析)軟件提供了多種途徑的方法來(lái)直接在408UL環(huán)境中控制震源的質(zhì)量。
- The paper analyzed with the emphasis on the reasons causing the damage of hydraulic pump in a process of using Vibroseis and preventive measures. 本文著(zhù)重分析了可控震源在使用過(guò)程中,引起液壓泵損壞的因素及預防措施。
- The application of DGPS in vibroseis was proved to be helpful for the improvement of vibroseis's working efficiency, safety and intensity. DGPS技術(shù)在可控震源上的應用,對提高可控震源的野外生產(chǎn)效率、保障設備的安全、減輕勞動(dòng)強度等方面都能起到積極的作用。
- In the area with loose surface, the coupling problem between the vibroseis and the surface is the main factor for vibrating signal distortion. 摘要在疏松地表地區,可控震源及其與地表的耦合問(wèn)題是引起振動(dòng)信號畸變的主要因素。
- Power amplifier module amplifiers the sweep signal, driving the vibroseis push-and-pull the ground and forming elastic waves. 該電路采用準互補對稱(chēng)推挽電路,構成甲乙類(lèi)放大,引入了多級反饋保證整個(gè)信號通道能非常穩定可靠地工作,并充分考慮了散熱問(wèn)題和保護電路的設計。
- We have imported some state-of-the-art equipments such as: high-frequency Vibroseis and multi-level geophones for field data acquisition. 在采集上,引進(jìn)國外高頻可控震源,多級檢波器等主要設備,得到高采樣率、高信噪比、高分辨率的高品質(zhì)資料。
- Unstable power supply has directly influence on the progress of production when using DGPS mobile unit equipped in SM26 vibroseis. SM26可控震源配備的DGPS流動(dòng)站在使用中出現的供電不穩定,直接影響到生產(chǎn)進(jìn)度。
- After property test of vibroseis,it should provide test report in the form of electronic document,but the deducing the test figure is more tedious. 震源性能測試后,都要提供電子文本的測試報告,可測試圖形的導出又比較麻煩。