Entrepreneurs, prosperous from agriculture in the Veneto, commissioned the promising local architect to design their country villas and their urban mansions. 威尼托地區從農業(yè)中富裕起來(lái)的商人們委托當地有前途的建筑師為他們設計鄉村別墅和城市宅第。
Most of the city's workers find employment in tourism and related industries, though the city also plays a key market role within the vibrant economic system of the Veneto region. 這個(gè)城市的大部分工人就業(yè)于旅游業(yè)及相關(guān)的行業(yè),同時(shí)該城也在威尼托地區活躍的經(jīng)濟體系中起著(zhù)主要的市場(chǎng)作用。