- The bandwidth of the antenna is about 11% (VSWR<2). 此方法可使得帶寬達到11%25(VSWR<2)。
- This, in turn, will cause an increase in VSWR. 從而導致VSWR增大。
- VSWR<1.6 or better across all bands. 各波段電壓駐波比[VSWR]<1.;6,或優(yōu)于此值。
- The LO VSWR was better than 3.5. 本振口電壓駐波比小于 3.;5。
- VSWR? Voltage Standing Wave Ratio? 電壓駐波比?
- Frequency drifts due to: DC voltage, temperature, VSWR. 頻率漂移跟直流電壓、溫度、駐波比有關(guān)。
- Tune your gunnplexer with its antenna, to prevent VSWR pushing. 跟天線(xiàn)裝一塊兒再調諧。免得被駐波比弄偏了頻率。
- The waveguide features low loss, low VSWR, high power. 所制得的波導具有低損耗、小駐波、大功率的特點(diǎn)。
- As a result,the VSWR of cold test and simulation are in good agreements. 比較結果表明,在工作頻帶內,設計結果和冷測結果取得了很好的一致。
- As a result, the VSWR of cold test and simulation are in good agreements. 比較結果表明,在工作頻帶內,設計結果和冷測結果取得了很好的一致。
- To prevent problems, all components in the system should have low VSWR. 為防止故障,系統中的所有部件都應該具有低VSWR。
- We only employ 15 pairs of circular holes to gain 3dB coupling at X-band and low input VSWR and higher directivity. 最后,給出了X波段3分貝耦合度的定向耦合器的設計考慮和實(shí)驗結果。
- The VSWR increase may even damage the source if the reflected power is large enough. 如果反射功率足夠大,VSWR上升甚至會(huì )損壞源。
- The method for antenna VSWR,gain and pattern measurement by using the VNA and its time domain option is introduced. 介紹了利用矢量網(wǎng)絡(luò )分析儀的時(shí)域功能測量天線(xiàn)系統駐波系數、增益和方向圖的方法。
- Low VSWR is crucial for switching systems that are designed for signals involving multiple components in series. 對于設計用于多分量信號的開(kāi)關(guān)系統來(lái)說(shuō),低VSWR是至關(guān)重要的。
- Measure a function to include: Echo loss, VSWR, cabled yarn loss and distance - cause trouble (DTF) analysis. 測量性能 包括:回波損耗,VSWR,纜線(xiàn)損耗及距離-致故障 (DTF) 分析。
- Through adjustment and testing, radiating pattern, side-lobe level, gain and bandwidth of VSWR meet the requirements . 經(jīng)大量的實(shí)驗調試與測量,天線(xiàn)陣方向圖、副瓣電平、各波束增益、輸入阻抗和帶寬等參數,基本滿(mǎn)足設計要求。
- The work includes several types of antenna measurements like efficiency, radiation pattern, VSWR and SAR. 負責一些天線(xiàn)指標的測試。例如,天線(xiàn)效率,輻射,VSWR,SAR等。
- The key to this design is to achieve a simultaneous optimum noise match and a minimum input VSWR match by using the microwave series inductance feedback method. 設計的關(guān)鍵是采用微波串聯(lián)電感反饋方法同時(shí)獲得最佳噪聲和最小輸入駐波匹配。
- Loading the antennae with matching networks will not only decrease the VSWR at the ports of the receivers, but also reduce the influence of the mutual coupling. 加載匹配網(wǎng)絡(luò )不但能降低接收機端口的駐波比,還能有效地減弱天線(xiàn)之間互耦的影響,改善系統性能。