- 布特南特,A.F.J.(1903-)Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt (1903~)
- (1903-1972)在坦桑尼亞工作的英國古生物學(xué)家。British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania (1903-1972).
- X-Y型天線(xiàn)座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 以無(wú)窮數乘y.Multiply y by infinity.
- 諾爾曼,約翰·馮1903-1957匈牙利裔美國數學(xué)家,他致力于研究過(guò)程論和控制論,并有相當貢獻Hungarian-born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 假定x=yLet x be y.
- 諾爾曼,約翰 馮1903-1957匈牙利裔美國數學(xué)家,他致力于研究過(guò)程論和控制論,并有相當貢獻Hungarian - born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 使y等于此函數。Place y equal to the function.
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- Y器Y-organ
- x=y意思是x與y相等。means that x equals y.
- Y)Eosin Y
- y相關(guān)y correlation
- y’相y' phase
- Y輻射V -radiation
- Y含量Y addition
- Y系數Y coefficient
- Y迷宮Y maze
- Y改性Y modification
- Y參數Y parameters