- A m e r i c a n U n b o u n d , p . 4 0 . 冷戰后美國對中東的政策可以概括為“東遏兩伊,西促和談”??肆诸D政府認為,
- T h e s u n s h a i n e i s p r e t t y . . . . . . 同學(xué)啊,一般都不可能和每個(gè)人都要好的啦,這個(gè)不用心煩的,覺(jué)得某人好就多多交往咯。。。
- V i r g i n i a , J u n e 1 9 9 3 . 士,主要研究方向:智能控制;
- C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 9 5 ) . 美國新聞學(xué)家李普曼第一次提出“刻板印象”這一術(shù)語(yǔ)?!皩τ诖蟛糠质挛镂覀儾⒉皇窍扔^(guān)察
- The Russian aid program, it turned out, was a great mess. 俄國的援助計劃結果搞得一塌糊涂。
- The relative weight of China's aid program in Fiji is worth noting. 在斐濟,中國援助項目的重要性不言而喻。
- C : T h i s p r o g r a m l o o p s u n t i l t h e u s e r presses a key. 返 回 總 目 錄kbhit kbhit 檢 查 控 制 臺 的 鍵 盤(pán) 輸 入 。int kbhitvoid例 程 需 要 的 頭 文 件 兼 容 性k b h it W i n 9 5 W in N T 對 于 另 外 的 兼 容 性 信 息 參 見(jiàn) 引 言 中 的 兼 容 性 。
- However, analysts also said the financial aid program is only for the U.S. government to deal with financial crises out of a drug, not resolve all the financial and economic issues, "a panacea." U. 不過(guò),分析人士同時(shí)表示,金融救援方案只是美國政府為應對金融危機開(kāi)出的一劑藥,而并非化解所有金融和經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題的“靈丹妙藥”。
- FANN,u r my love..i love u so much but i'm no more change can c u N meet u!!! 我真的很喜歡你.. 恭喜妮進(jìn)入十大!!!加油;你是最好的...永遠支持你!!!
- Methods By using questionair survey that designed by global fund AIDS program, 263 MSM were surveyed anonymously. 方法采用全球基金艾滋病項目統一設計的調查問(wèn)卷,對263名MSM進(jìn)行匿名調查。
- Mooie Ulysse Nardin Calender Chronograph uit de 60er jaren met Double kast zonder U N tekens... 參考 kast mariage;成色 2 (較新);購買(mǎi)日期 60er jaren;金/鋼;手動(dòng)上弦;所在地: 荷蘭, Maastricht;
- Dear...r u still love me?Will u miz me wen u r lonely?U may nt answer me...bt...I noe my own feeling,I noe, I oways miz u n love u more than myself!!! 至少,在最基本,你無(wú)助,孤單,寂寞,開(kāi)心或不開(kāi)心,傷心難過(guò)的時(shí)候,真的至少,至少還有我的愛(ài)守護著(zhù)你??!
- The European Commission initially on Austria's objections to financial aid program there, it has not been approved. 歐盟委員會(huì )起初對奧地利的金融救助計劃存有異議,因此一直未予批準。
- Congenitally deficient financial aid program, is considered one of the reasons for the differences. 金援計劃的先天不足,是造成審議分歧的一個(gè)原因。
- Relevant product has been hotly sold all over China, even in South Korea, Southeast Asia, Middle East and European and American c o u n tries. 產(chǎn)品暢銷(xiāo)全國,遠銷(xiāo)韓國、東南亞、中東、歐美等國家和地區。
- The U.S. AIDS program also works with faith-based organizations, which the World Health Organization says provide as much as 70 percent of health care in sub-Saharan Africa. 這個(gè)美國艾滋病項目還同宗教組織合作。世界衛生組織說(shuō),宗教組織提供的醫療服務(wù)占撒哈拉以南非洲國家的醫療服務(wù)的70%25。
- Pixels can be applied to control the traffic lights c o u n tdown, the Canopy lights, the expressway toll mouth red fork Green Arrow, traffic-induced screen above. 像素管可以應用在交通燈倒計時(shí)、雨棚燈、高速公路收費口的紅叉綠箭、交通誘導顯示屏上面。
- Expectant mothers in Germany are doing what they can to put off giving birth until January1 when a generous government aid program takes effect. 為了享受政府明年的一項高額補貼計劃,德國的準媽媽們目前正在想方設法將產(chǎn)期推遲到明年1月1日。
- The process of bag-making,measuring,filling,sealing,cutting,c o u n ting,heat-printing codes can be dne automatically,can be used according to demand of customers. 特點(diǎn):自動(dòng)完成制袋的計量、填充、封合、分切、易撕切口、計數、熱壓批號等功能,并可根據客戶(hù)要求配置打碼機。
- She(Albright, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.)was at times less successful winning over her counterparts at the U.N.,which,like Napoleon's army,travels on its stomach. 不過(guò),她(美國駐聯(lián)合國大使奧爾布萊特)在贏(yíng)得其他國家駐聯(lián)合國大使的支持上,有時(shí)較不順利,因為聯(lián)合國就像拿破侖軍隊一樣,難以控制。