- UN could not do a lot of work during the Cold War because of the conflict between East and West.After the end of the Cold War,we see all the importance of UN; especially peace keeping operations have become much more important. 由于東西方之間的沖突,冷戰期間聯(lián)合國無(wú)法做很多工作,但冷戰結束之后,我們看到了聯(lián)合國的重要性,尤其是其維持和平的作用變得十分重要。
- A team of UK peace keeping experts are to help train the Peoples Liberation Army ahead of their UN Peace Keeping deployment to Southern Sudan this summer. 今年夏季,英國維和專(zhuān)家組將于中國人民解放軍前往蘇丹南部執行聯(lián)合國維和任務(wù)之前對其進(jìn)行培訓。
- The debate is begun about which countries will provide troops for a UN peace keeping force in Lebanon. So far, Bangladesh, France and Italy are promising to send soldiers. 關(guān)于哪些國家將向黎巴嫩派遣維和士兵引起爭議。迄今為止,孟加拉國,法國和意大利答應派遣維和士兵。
- UN Peace - keeping Operations 聯(lián)合國維持和平行動(dòng)
- UNHCR played an important role in a number of UN peace building operations, particularly in Namibia, Central America, Cambodia and Mozambique. 聯(lián)合國難民署在多個(gè)聯(lián)合國締造和平的行動(dòng)中發(fā)揮了重要作用,特別是在納米比亞、中美洲、柬埔寨和莫桑比克。
- The army will help the police in the peace keeping process. 軍隊將協(xié)助警察保持和平進(jìn)程。
- Follow some proven maintenance pointers to keep operations safe. 通過(guò)標定過(guò)的維修指示器來(lái)保證操作的安全。
- peace keeping operation 維和行動(dòng)
- We have less than 300 UN peace keepers peacekeepers in a hunangeers humungous area. 只有僅僅30名聯(lián)合國維和人員在極大的地區。
- Post- Cold War UN Peace - keeping Actions in Africa 冷戰后聯(lián)合國在非洲的維和行動(dòng)
- Keep operates through a website, kiva.org. 通過(guò)網(wǎng)站kiva.;org開(kāi)展。
- Within a week, peace keeping troops will be sent from the West to bring stability to the war torn country. 一個(gè)星期之后,從西方派出的維和部隊將穩定帶到了這個(gè)飽經(jīng)戰亂的國家。
- Vegetable is to offer a micronutrient prandial fine peace keeping is natural the main source that fights oxide. 蔬菜是提供微量營(yíng)養素膳食纖維和天然抗氧化物的重要來(lái)源。
- Sesame seed: Contain a large number of amino acid, food fine peace keeping is mineral, can promote defecate. 芝麻:含有大量氨基酸,食物纖維和礦物質(zhì),能促進(jìn)排便。
- A plane carrying11 people aiding the African union peace keeping force in Somalia crashed Friday near the capital Mogadishu. 一架載著(zhù)11人的飛機與周五在索馬里首都摩加迪沙墜毀,機內人員是索馬里非洲維和聯(lián)軍的援助者。
- The sportsman of African union peace keeping force says the violence in Mogadishu is becoming more deadly and better organized. 非盟發(fā)言人說(shuō)摩加迪沙的戰事正趨于白熱化,非盟的組織也更加有力了。
- A plane carrying 11 people aiding the African union peace keeping force in Somalia crashed Friday near the capital Mogadishu. 一架載著(zhù)11人的飛機與周五在索馬里首都摩加迪沙墜毀,機內人員是索馬里非洲維和聯(lián)軍的援助者。
- Regardless of enemy bombing,the ferry kept operating day and night. 不管敵機轟炸,擺渡日夜堅持。
- In conclusion, spending in national defense is critical in the peace keeping for a country and it also brings numerous benefits such as encouraging technology development and supporting economic growth. 總而言之,對一個(gè)國家而言,為了維護和平,軍費開(kāi)支具有重要性,它還帶來(lái)象鼓勵技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)和促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)等這樣些好處。
- Regardless of enemy bombing, the ferry kept operating day and night. 不管敵機轟炸,擺渡日夜堅持。