- Places to go: Tunis - Tunisian National Tourism Office site. 易易工作室-各種在線(xiàn)工具,站長(cháng)網(wǎng)志,以及多個(gè)應用項目。
- Zied Saadaoui Economic Counselor Tunisian National Tourism Office - Embassy of Tunisia China? 突尼斯國家旅游觀(guān)光局-中國大使館?
- Nor yet has Iraq's fledgling national army, the nearest thing to a national institution, broken apart. 同時(shí)伊拉克那不成熟的國家軍隊,其最基本的國家機構,也沒(méi)有分裂。
- Royal Marine Commando medics battle to save the life of a member of the Afghan National Army after a mortar attack. 在一場(chǎng)激烈的交鋒后,英國皇家海軍陸戰隊的軍醫正在搶救一名阿富汗國民軍士兵。
- The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN. 他們主動(dòng)來(lái)到一個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)為民兵同國民軍混合的中心區。
- For a while Bao played basketball for the national army team, but was sidelined by rheumatism. 有一段時(shí)間,鮑打籃球在國家軍隊的籃球隊,但缺陣由于風(fēng)濕癥。
- Compares with Thailand, this national army equips is very bad, lacks the training, the organization is lax. 與泰國相比,這個(gè)國家軍隊裝備很差,缺乏訓練,組織渙散?!?/li>
- Chen Bi-Bo is the national army in the skin of his home in Hubei province "as a child's playmate. 陳碧波是皮國軍在湖北老家的“小時(shí)候的玩伴”。
- In sixteen years (1927) Ministry of National Army in Linxiasun lian zhong , Armylu rui lin vote. 民國十六年(1927)國民軍孫連仲部駐臨夏,魯瑞林投軍。
- Palace of the Tunisian National Assembly; 突尼斯國民議會(huì )大廈;
- Afghan National Army sol-diers demonstrate skills at a cere-mony to mark the completion of the manning of the Army Corps in Kabul March 18, 2004. 3月18日,在喀布爾舉行的阿富汗國防軍中央軍團正式成立的儀式上,阿富汗國防軍士兵進(jìn)行演練。
- "A new national army would be formed after army integration and it would be done on the basis of a new national security policy. 塔帕部長(cháng)說(shuō),“在軍隊合并后將成立一支新的國家軍隊,但這將建立在新的國家安全政策的基礎上?!?/li>
- As a result of this agreement, FUC leader Mahamat Nour was appointed Minister of Defence on 4 March 2007 and the FUC elements joined the national army. 依據人權條約與國際法慣例,不論何種情況下,縱使在緊急狀態(tài)期間,某些權利,例如免于刑求的自由,都不能被剝奪。
- Khanal said that the Maoist soldiers should give up the party membership after they are integrated into the national army. 卡納爾說(shuō)尼共(毛主義)戰士在合并入國家軍隊后應當放棄黨員身份。
- How will you handle the army integration? The Nepali Army seems to have its own thought. How will you merge your combatants into the national army? 您怎么處理軍隊合并問(wèn)題呢?尼泊爾軍隊看上去有他們自己的想法。您如何把您的士兵們融合到國家軍隊中去呢?
- Afghan National Army soldiers train on a firing range at a US army base in the Pech Valley of Afghanistan's Kunar province Sunday, Nov. 1, 2009. 阿富汗國民軍士兵訓練靶場(chǎng)上的一個(gè)美軍在阿富汗庫納爾省佩赫谷星期日,2009年11月1日基地。
- Brief Introduction to the Tunisian National Railway Company 突尼斯國營(yíng)鐵路公司概況
- They are paying fighters up to$12 a day to fight the fledgling Afghan National Army, which pays only$4 a day to its soldiers in the field, according to military officials. 他們付給戰斗人員每天多達12美元,以同誕生不久的阿富汗國民軍作戰。據阿富汗軍官說(shuō),國民軍每天付給前線(xiàn)士兵的軍餉僅4美元。
- Jean Francois Basse, UNICEF's Child Protection program spokesperson in Chad, says the children in the CTOs are a mix of former rebels and Chadian national army soldiers. 聯(lián)合國兒童基金會(huì )兒童保護計畫(huà)的發(fā)言人,吉恩凡克巴斯說(shuō),在臨時(shí)難民培養中心的兒童,混合著(zhù)前反叛份子和查德童軍。
- They are paying fighters up to $12 a day to fight the fledgling Afghan National Army, which pays only $4 a day to its soldiers in the field, according to military officials. 他們付給戰斗人員每天多達12美元,以同誕生不久的阿富汗國民軍作戰。據阿富汗軍官說(shuō),國民軍每天付給前線(xiàn)士兵的軍餉僅4美元。