- Besides, If you are interested in studying in GLV, you will enjoy 95% discount by use of the certification issued by training department of Flextronics. 另外,如果選擇去平和學(xué)習,憑借偉創(chuàng )力培訓部開(kāi)出的證明可享受95折優(yōu)惠。
- Human Resources Department shall be informed by Account Department of the approved Human Resources budget and shall inform Training Department of the approved training budget which takes effect afterwards. 員工培訓需求。年度培訓預算獲準后即生效,由財務(wù)部通知人力資源部,人力資源部接下來(lái)通知培訓部并付諸實(shí)施。
- The chief organization of implementing the discipline is the chief inspector department of military law, field headquarter, the command of war zone and every military law branch of army, division, and , independent bridge. 以軍法執行總監部為核心,包括行營(yíng)、戰區司令長(cháng)官部以及各軍、師、獨立旅的軍法處是實(shí)施戰時(shí)軍律的主要機構。
- It is clear that from the start to finish the project violated Department of Defense and Department of Army policies, as well as specific procedures set for chemical or medical research. 這清楚的表明從計劃的開(kāi)始到結束都違反了國防部和陸軍總部的政策,具體的程序是為化學(xué)和藥物測試設置的。
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的紡織品部工作。
- Training Department of Technology University of PLA 解放軍理工大學(xué)訓練部
- Military Training Department of GSD 總參謀部軍事訓練部
- Department of Army Avionics Master Plan 陸軍部航空電子設備主體計劃
- Department of Army General Order 陸軍部一般命令
- Department of Army Logistics Support Officer 陸軍部后勤支援軍官
- When does the next train depart? 下一次列車(chē)什么時(shí)候開(kāi)?
- The country is ruled by a group of army officers. 該國被一個(gè)軍官集團所統治。
- Department of Army Military Operations 陸軍部軍事作戰
- When does the next train depart ? 下一次列車(chē)什么時(shí)候開(kāi)?
- The rigid discipline of army life. 部隊生活中的嚴格的紀律。
- When will the last train depart? 最后這班火車(chē)什么時(shí)候開(kāi)?
- In Berlin a small number of army officers stood by. 在柏林,一些軍官準備行動(dòng)。
- Which platform does the train depart from? 火車(chē)從哪一個(gè)站臺出發(fā)?
- My sister occupies an important position in the Department of the Environment. 我姐姐在環(huán)境部擔任要職。
- I'm a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor. 我是聯(lián)邦政府的雇員,我在勞工部工作。