- Crime related to loot is a kind of frequent crimes in practice. 贓物罪在實(shí)踐中是一種高發(fā)型犯罪。
- Are you a vulture come to loot the bodies of our fallen warriors? 你們難道是兀鷹,等著(zhù)我們戰士倒地后掠奪他們身上的東西?
- After the enemy troop attacked and occupied this city to loot each building. 敵軍攻占該城后洗劫了每一幢樓房。
- You'll know it's your turn to loot when gold sparkles appear over the corpse. 當輪到你去搜索戰利品時(shí),你會(huì )看到怪物尸體有金色閃光。
- Why would you seek this place, stranger? Are you a vulture come to loot the bodies of our fallen warriors? 你們在這邊要找什麼,陌生人?你們難道是兀鷹,等著(zhù)我們戰士倒地后掠奪他們身上的東西?
- South Vietnamese soldiers and civilians gathered at the site, some to help, others to loot the dead. 南越士兵和百姓們匯集到現場(chǎng),有些人投入救援,另一些人則掠奪死者的財物。
- The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. 這是由國際銀行計劃 來(lái)掠奪美國人民世界人民并把他們變成奴隸。
- My ax son whetted benefit, the Chuai wore it me male Jiu Jiu in high spirits start on to loot go to. 我的斧子磨利了,揣著(zhù)它我就雄赳赳氣昂昂的上路打劫去了。
- Ultimately, which way Iraq goes will depend on whether its elites decide to use their freedom to loot their country or to rebuild it. 說(shuō)到底,伊拉克走哪一條路,將取決于伊拉克的精英是決定利用他們行使權力的自由,去掠奪他們的國家呢,還是去重建他們的國家。
- Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder? 你聚集軍隊要奪貨為掠物嗎?要奪取金銀,擄去牲畜、財貨嗎?要搶奪許多財寶為擄物嗎?’
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- Past these sturdy defenses the Home Returning Corps could not go and so they wheeled around to the south, preparing to loot villages in that direction. 還鄉團無(wú)法突破這道強大的防線(xiàn),便向南迂回,準備洗劫南邊的幾個(gè)村莊。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開(kāi)該國。
- At this time, Japanese militarist wanted to loot a burning house, sending troop to Jinan, making the well-known Five Thirty Tragic Incidents. 此時(shí),日本軍國主義分子想趁火打劫,出兵濟南,釀成了有名的“五卅慘案”。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個(gè)國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健體強身的最好方法。
- When the other people take away you of thing of time, you give they, so you will can never feel an oneself suffer to loot. 當別人拿走你的東西的時(shí)候,你就給他們,這樣你就會(huì )永遠不會(huì )感到自己遭受到了掠奪。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發(fā)他是罪犯。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚飯沖下去。