- This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. 這張面孔使得我不得不戴上面具,不得不戴上面具,被迫晝伏夜出、不見(jiàn)天日。
- This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. 這個(gè)面孔不只是虛華的外表,它是遺存的人民呼聲現已空洞消亡。
- This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of vox populi, now vacant, vanished. 這張面具,不僅掩飾面具下面的空虛,還代表了現在已經(jīng)空靈的、幾乎不可見(jiàn)的人民的心聲。
- This visage no mere veneer of vanity,is a vestige of vox populi now vacant vanished. 這面孔不單是虛無(wú)的外表,它還是業(yè)已不再的人民呼聲的殘響。
- This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. 這個(gè)容貌,不僅僅是膚淺空虛的外表,它是殘存的人民的聲音,現已空洞、消逝的聲音。
- Salus populi suprema lex, is certainly so just and fundamental a rule, that he, who sincerely follows it, cannot dangerously err. “人民的福利是最高的法律”的確是公正的和根本的準則,誰(shuí)真誠地加以遵守誰(shuí)就不會(huì )犯嚴重的錯誤。(第100頁(yè),第158節)
- Rours(Vox populi):There is an old saying:"Give a dog a bad name and hang him."Which means the rumor can be made sb.formidable.Now she has become a victim of network force. 傳聞(社會(huì )輿論)有句話(huà)說(shuō):“人言可畏”意思是傳聞可使人可怕,現在她就成了網(wǎng)絡(luò )暴力的一個(gè)犧牲品。
- This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. 它是遺存的人民呼聲,現已空洞消亡。
- The Baiheliang record history of for the rule of defensive warfare defense.The Inscription of Mongolian was a propaganda of vox populi for Mongolian dynastic changes. 白鶴梁為宋末山城防御戰的最后失守提供了歷史的寫(xiě)字板,白鶴梁蒙文題刻為蒙古人改朝換代作了最早的輿論宣傳。
- One year passed, the neatening has very obvious effects, it inforced the Party's management on vox populi, closered the relations between the Party and People, lightened the burden of people, castigated corruption. 一年過(guò)去了,這次整頓的效果是非常顯著(zhù)的,加強了黨對輿論陣地的管理,增進(jìn)了黨群關(guān)系,減輕了人民負擔,有效地治理了腐敗。
- After I viewed this article, I guess it must arise high controversy and different vox populi to extent.It's hard to express the topic well, but it doesn't mean that can't speak clearly. 當我看完這篇文章之后,我立即想到肯定會(huì )影起很大的議論,不同程度的輿論。
- Thecabius populin. 楊偽卷葉綿蚜
- feri', si ex re sit populi Romani, holding forth his neck. 假如這是有益于羅馬人民的”。一邊說(shuō)著(zhù)一邊伸頸就死。
- is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. 它還是人民心聲的遺跡,這心聲如今已蕩然無(wú)存。
- Si fortunas et agros vitasque populi nostri sine bello defendere poterimus, tum pacem conservare debebimus; 如果我們可以以非戰爭的方式守護我們人民的財產(chǎn)、田園與生命,我們便應緊守和平;
- (vetere ac iam pridem recepta populi Romani consuetudine, ut haberet instrumenta servitutis et reges. 利用他們的國王作為我們統治的工具,這乃是羅馬人自古相承的辦法。
- Thecabius orientalis minensisn. 東方偽卷葉綿蚜岷亞種
- Thecabiusn. 偽卷葉綿蚜屬
- Thecabius brachychaetusn. 短偽卷葉綿蚜
- Thecabius kelloggin. 凱氏偽卷葉綿蚜