The style and features of the society and history

  • 社會(huì )歷史風(fēng)貌

The style and features of the society and history的用法和樣例:


  1. Interest is the key to the life of human society and the interest relationship is the essence of social history.
    摘要利益問(wèn)題是人類(lèi)社會(huì )生活中的焦點(diǎn)問(wèn)題,利益關(guān)系是社會(huì )歷史的本質(zhì)。
  2. Depending on the unique artistic-glamor and large-scale collective-work, ShiZhong had produced extensive and profound affects to the life of TaiWanese society and culture.
    摘要詩(shī)鐘以其獨特的藝術(shù)魅力和大規模的集體創(chuàng )作,在臺灣社會(huì )歷史與文化生活中產(chǎn)生過(guò)極其廣泛而深刻的影響。
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