- Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System 自動(dòng)空中持續監視系統
- Some Views on Developing the Automatic Ambient Air Monitoring System 對開(kāi)展環(huán)境空氣質(zhì)量自動(dòng)監測工作的認識
- The Improvement of Quality Control Plan for Automatic Air Monitoring System 空氣自動(dòng)化監測系統質(zhì)量控制圖的改進(jìn)
- Design of PLC Monitoring System Based on Fieldbus. 基于現場(chǎng)總線(xiàn)的PLC網(wǎng)絡(luò )監控系統設計。
- CCTV Monitoring System at Nanchang Gas Co. 南昌市煤氣公司閉路電視監控系統簡(jiǎn)介。
- HAZMAT responds to heavy industrial pollution air monitor program. 可檢測對肺有害的微粒,同時(shí)顯示粉塵濃度的視頻圖像。
- The Comparison Test between Beijing Monitor and French ESA Automatic Air Monitoring Systems 北京莫尼特爾公司與法國ESA公司的環(huán)境空氣自動(dòng)監測系統比對實(shí)驗
- The Application of On-line Monitoring System to Nitric Acid Plant. 工業(yè)在線(xiàn)監控系統在硝酸廠(chǎng)的應用在硝酸廠(chǎng)中所起的功效。
- Control and Monitor System for Environmental Protection Facilities. 環(huán)保監控工程。
- Problems should be noted in Inspection and Emergency Monitoring With Automatic Vehicle Air Monitoring System and Its Solutions 利用車(chē)載空氣自動(dòng)監測系統巡檢及應急監測時(shí)應注意的問(wèn)題和解決辦法
- Temperature and humidity monitoring system for large granary? 大型糧庫溫濕度監控系統?
- Online monitoring system for fan on catalyst reforming unit. 催化重整裝置風(fēng)機在線(xiàn)監測系統。
- In this thesis a monitor system for coke states is designed . 本文對電站鍋爐結焦狀態(tài)監測系統進(jìn)行了研究與設計。
- The practice has shown that the monitoring system is effectual. 實(shí)踐表明,該監督控制系統是行之有效的。
- It incorporates a bicolor LED for monitoring system operation. 它采用了雙色的LED用于監測系統運行。
- The linear rollback method is perhaps the simplest one based directly on air monitoring data. 線(xiàn)性壓值法也許是直接根據監測資料所得到的最簡(jiǎn)單的方法。
- NF3 has no detectable odor, so forced air/exhaust ventilation and ambient air monitoring are recommended where NF3 is stored or used. NF3沒(méi)有可以探測到的氣味,所以推薦在儲存和或使用NF3的地方采用強迫通風(fēng)/排氣通風(fēng)。
- Through continuous automatic air pollution monitoring system profiles,and briefly discusses the system in a medium-sized city in the application. 通過(guò)對大氣污染連續自動(dòng)監測系統的簡(jiǎn)介,并簡(jiǎn)單闡述了系統在某中等城市中的應用。
- Sources say a second plane was heading toward the Pentagon; F-16 jets were in the air monitoring it. 有消息稱(chēng)另一架飛機也在轉向飛往五角大樓,F-16戰機正對其動(dòng)向加入監視。
- A very rigid disease monitoring system is essential in such enterprises. 這種企業(yè)必須有一種非常嚴密的疾病監測系統。