The results showthat fly ash will reacte with Ca(OH) 2 and high Ca/Si ratio C-S-H gel produced by the hydration of clinker,and so that to produce the C-S-H gel with a lower molar ratio of CaO/SiO. And such C-S-H gel can bind more Na + and K + ions.

  • 結果顯示 ,粉煤灰的摻入對ASR有較好的抑制效果。 粉煤灰主要是通過(guò)與Ca(OH)2 及水泥熟料水化生成的高Ca/Si比的C -S-H凝膠發(fā)生二次火山灰反應 ,生成大量低Ca/Si比的C -S-H凝膠 ,提高了對孔溶液中Na+ 和K+ 的吸收 ,從而起到抑制ASR的作用
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