The first results of the collaboration were three chrome-plated tubular steel chairs designed for two of his projects, The Maison la Roche in Paris and a pavilion for Barbara and Henry Church.

  • 第一批成果的合作有三個(gè)鍍鉻鋼管椅子專(zhuān)為他的兩個(gè)項目,家拉羅什在巴黎和涼亭的芭芭拉和亨利教會(huì )。The line of furniture was expanded for Le Corbusier's 1929 Salon d'Automne installation; Equipment for the Home .;家具線(xiàn)擴大為勒柯布西耶的1929年沙龍德Automne安裝, 設備的主頁(yè) 。
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