- Studies on diapause of Tetranychus urticae Koch. 二斑葉螨滯育特性的初步研究。
- Agropyron desertorum (Fisch ex Link) Schult. 沙生冰草
- The Tetranychus mites has become the major pest to vegetables. 摘要葉螨類(lèi)害蟲(chóng)已成為我國蔬菜、果樹(shù)和花卉的主要害蟲(chóng)。
- He described the evolution of resistance in Tetranychus against tetraethyl pyrophate. 他敘述了恙蟲(chóng)對焦磷酸四乙脂的抗性進(jìn)化。
- The syuergistic test on feapropathriu-clofentezine mixture to the resistant population of Tetranychus urticat Koch. 復配劑螨嗪菊酯對防治抗性二點(diǎn)葉螨的增效作用。
- Title: Sublethal effect of chlorpyrifos on the dynamics of experimental Tetranychus cinnabarinus population. 關(guān)鍵詞:毒死蜱;亞致死效應;朱砂葉螨;刀切法
- Among the test species, Elymus sibiricus, Elymus nutans, and Agropyron desertorum had the highest dominance. 在所有供試物種中優(yōu)勢度最大的3種牧草分別是川草2號老芒麥、垂穗披堿草和沙生冰草。
- However, in response to Tetranychus urticae Koch infested for 24 hour, many novel volatile infrochemicals were induced. 煙草遭受二點(diǎn)葉螨取食24h后誘導出多種新的揮發(fā)性信息化合物。
- When there was a medium drought stress, leaf soluble sugar content of Agropyron desertorum increased more. 干旱脅迫程度增加,4種禾草的根冠比、葉片可溶性糖含量和滲透液相對電導率升高,葉片含水量下降。
- The Moisture, Weight and Vigor Changes During the Seed Ripening of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum cv. Nordan. 老芒麥和諾丹冰草種子發(fā)育過(guò)程中含水量、百粒重和活力的變化。
- Analysis of Laboratory Population Life Table of Carmine Spider Mite,(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)Infesting Feng Chi Sang Morus L. 與相似的文獻。
- In vitro inhibition and toxicokinetic action of three insecticides on esterases in Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) were assayed. 測定了3種殺蟲(chóng)劑樂(lè )斯本、甲氰菊酯、敵敵畏及其兩兩組合對朱砂葉螨離體酯酶的抑制作用。
- Toxicity of pyridaben and five other miticides to Tetranychus urticae and T. cinnabarinus was determined using both slide-dip and leaf residue methods. 摘要采用玻片浸漬法和葉片殘毒法,選用噠螨靈等6種常用殺螨劑對二斑葉螨和朱砂葉螨進(jìn)行了毒力測定。
- Agropyron desertorum Avenue Biotechnology Co., Ltd. products may not be the world's best products, but we are willing to work hard for the best. 利士諾丹生物技術(shù)有限公司的產(chǎn)品可能不是世上最好的產(chǎn)品,但我們樂(lè )意為最好而努力。
- Canton Avenue Agropyron desertorum Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is the United States AUNC transnational enterprise group in China. 廣州利士諾丹生物科技有限公司是美國AUNC跨國集團公司在華的企業(yè)。
- Toxicities of cyhalothrin, dimethoate and avermectin against Tetranychus Urticae were assayed in the laboratary using agar-agar method, slide-slip method and immersion method. 在室內用瓊脂法、浸玻片法和浸漬法分別測定了氟氯氰菊酯、樂(lè )果和齊墩螨素對棉紅蜘蛛的毒力。
- Application of N at Elymus sibiricus plants' heading stage enhanced their seed germination rate and speed, though not so to the heading stage of Agropyron desertorum cv. 在抽穗期施氮有利于提高老芒麥種子的發(fā)芽率和發(fā)芽速度,但對諾丹冰草則無(wú)明顯影響;
- The activities of SOD, ASP and SOD isoenzymes have been studied in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus). 摘要朱砂葉螨危害豇豆幼苗后,葉綠體內與活性氧代謝有關(guān)的酶SOD、ASP活性及同工酶均受到不同程度的影響。
- The occurrence characteristics and the harm situation caused by Tetranychus urticae this mite was reported.The control methods against this mite were discussed. 本文介紹了二斑葉螨在我國的危害情況和發(fā)生規律,分析了其發(fā)生與危害的特點(diǎn),并提出了有效防治對策。
- The occurrence characteristics and the harm situation caused by Tetranychus urticae this mite was reported. The control methods against this mite were discussed. 本文介紹了二斑葉螨在我國的危害情況和發(fā)生規律,分析了其發(fā)生與危害的特點(diǎn),并提出了有效防治對策。