- Name of the target service to which the notification is sent. 向其發(fā)送通知的目標服務(wù)的名稱(chēng)。
- Grant permission for the target service user to receive messages from the queue that the target service uses. 為目標服務(wù)用戶(hù)授予權限,使其能夠從目標服務(wù)所使用的隊列中接收消息。
- To uninstall a target service, first make sure that the service processes each message that remains in the queue. 若要卸載目標服務(wù),先確保該服務(wù)處理隊列中留下的每個(gè)消息。
- The routing handler uses a properties file to map service level values to target service endpoints. 路由處理器使用一個(gè)屬性文件來(lái)映射服務(wù)級別值到目標服務(wù)端點(diǎn)。
- If target service is in the mirrored database, the initiator service must have a mirrored route back to the target. 如果目標服務(wù)位于鏡像數據庫中,則發(fā)起方服務(wù)必須具有返回目標的鏡像路由。
- Provide the certificate and the name of the target service to the database administrator for the remote database. 將目標服務(wù)的證書(shū)和名稱(chēng)提供給遠程數據庫的數據庫管理員。
- The following example creates an event notification on the same target service as the previous example. 以下示例將在上例所涉及的同一目標服務(wù)上創(chuàng )建事件通知。
- Each target service processes messages at its own pace, depending on the current workload. 每個(gè)目標服務(wù)按照其自己的速度處理這些消息,具體情況取決于當前的工作負荷。
- Therefore, an initiating service must begin a conversation with the target service before sending a message to the target service. 因此,發(fā)起方服務(wù)必須在發(fā)送消息到目標服務(wù)之前啟動(dòng)與目標服務(wù)的會(huì )話(huà)。
- Therefore, operations on behalf of the target service run in the initiating database as the user who owns the initiating service. 因此,代表目標服務(wù)的操作在起始數據庫中以發(fā)起起始服務(wù)的用戶(hù)身份運行。
- If message forwarding is not on, Service Broker drops the message if the target service does not exist in the local instance. 如果消息轉發(fā)未開(kāi)啟,且本地實(shí)例中不存在目標服務(wù),則Service Broker將刪除消息。
- The simplest intermediation consists of a single JAX-RPC handler deployed on a single channel or Target service, performing a single SOAP role. 最簡(jiǎn)單的中介體由一個(gè)單一的JAX-RPC處理器組成,這個(gè)處理器部署在一個(gè)單一的渠道或目標服務(wù)上,履行一個(gè)單一的SOAP角色。
- Interface qualifiers advertise the QoS supported by a target service, and therefore represent a contract with a client of the service. 接口限定符說(shuō)明了被目標服務(wù)支持的QoS,因此代表了一個(gè)與該服務(wù)客戶(hù)端的約定。
- Full security requires that the initiating service trust the target service and also requires that the target service trust the initiating service. 完全安全模式要求起始服務(wù)信任目標服務(wù),并且目標服務(wù)也信任起始服務(wù)。
- The company has problem in servicing its debt. 該公司在支付債息方面有問(wèn)題。
- All cars require servicing regularly. 所有汽車(chē)都需要定期檢修。
- In dialog security, only the database that hosts the initiating service and the database that hosts the target service need to have access to the certificates used for security. 在對話(huà)安全模式中,僅作為起始服務(wù)宿主的數據庫和作為目標服務(wù)宿主的數據庫才需要能夠訪(fǎng)問(wèn)用于提供安全性的證書(shū)。
- Depending on the service, the developer may provide one set of scripts for the target service and a different set of scripts for the initiating service. 根據具體服務(wù),開(kāi)發(fā)人員可能會(huì )為目標服務(wù)提供一組腳本,為起始服務(wù)提供另一組腳本。
- The queue specified for the initiator service receives messages returned by the target service and messages created by Service Broker for this conversation. 為發(fā)起方服務(wù)指定的隊列將接收由目標服務(wù)返回的消息,以及Service Broker為此會(huì )話(huà)創(chuàng )建的消息。
- If initiator service is in the mirrored database, the target service must have a mirrored route back to initiator to deliver acknowledgements and replies. 如果發(fā)起方服務(wù)位于鏡像數據庫中,則目標服務(wù)必須具有返回發(fā)起方的鏡像路由,以傳遞確認和應答。