- My future brother-in-law, then a tank officer in the Afrikakorps, heard the song. "I was spellhound," he told me years later. 我未來(lái)的內弟,當時(shí)在北非軍團中擔任坦克兵軍官,聽(tīng)到了這首歌。
- I did so for many reasons, and this one in chief. 我這樣做的理由很多,而這個(gè)是主要的。
- The commander in chief reviewed his troops. 總司令檢閱他的部隊。
- Assistant Supply Officer in Chief 供應主管軍官助理
- He was an officer in the cavalry. 他曾是騎兵軍官。
- The officer in charge secured the camp against attack. 主管的軍官保護營(yíng)地,免受攻擊。
- It was this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief. 是這個(gè)步槍射手打死了敵方的總司令。
- Then I had a stint as security officer in Hong Kong. 我那時(shí)在香港做過(guò)一陣護衛員。
- The editor in chief cut out the last paragraph. 主編刪去了最后一段。
- The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那個(gè)眾人眼中的乞丐,其實(shí)是化了裝的警察。
- The editor in chief docked some of the articles. 總編輯刪節了某些文章。
- He is the commander in chief of an expedition. 他是遠征隊的統帥。
- Inside the room there are three editors in chief. 房間里有三位總編輯。
- She's been shunted off to an office in the annexe. 她已調到附屬建筑的辦事處去了。
- The bullet hit the police officer in the shoulder. 槍射中了警官的肩膀
- She went to the telegraph office in a hurry. 她匆匆忙忙向電報局去了。
- I do so for many reasons,and this one in chief. 我這樣做的理由很多,而這個(gè)是主要的。
- He is a staff officer in the army. 他在部隊里任參謀。
- It is here editor in chief's room. 這里是總編輯室。
- The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief. 總統的職責包括擔任總司令。