- (1813-1883)德國作曲家。(1813-1883) German composer.
- TAR與M-TAR模型TAR and M-TAR model
- 墨索里尼,B.A.A.(1883-1945)Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (1883~1945)
- Cox-Q-Pl-Tar壓力計Cpx-Q-PI-Tar geobarometer
- 新產(chǎn)品也是一個(gè)tar文件。The new product is also a tar file.
- 美國保護關(guān)稅與英美紡織品貿易(1883-1913年)American Protective Tariff and Anglo-American Textile Trade: 1883-1913
- 高kHigh-k
- 門(mén)限自回歸模型(TAR)threshold autoregressive model (TAR)
- K肥K fertilizer
- 優(yōu)特里羅,莫里斯1883-1955法國畫(huà)家,以其對巴黎街景的景物畫(huà)著(zhù)稱(chēng)French painter known especially for his street scenes of Paris.
- 將tar文件添加到歸檔文件中A, --catenate, --concatenate append tar files to an archive
- (kk
- k/nk-out-of-n
- 主張運用政府貨幣政策和財務(wù)方針來(lái)消除通貨膨脹維持各行業(yè)的英國經(jīng)濟學(xué)家(1883-1946)。English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946).
- 支持包括MIME、TAR和CAB在內的因特網(wǎng)文件格式Internet file format support, including MIME TAR & CAB.
- K泡potassium bubble
- 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(1883-1963)是繼惠特曼之后美國本土詩(shī)人的又一典范。William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) is another good example of the native American poets after Whitman.
- 你可以使用POPtools的remote命令“tar”過(guò)所有的程序包。You can use the poptools remote command to"tar" all of the package across.
- K鏡K mirror