- 注冊to register
- 注冊商標registered trade mark
- 轉讓注冊商標經(jīng)核準后,予以公告。The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved.
- 請認明注冊商標。Please identify the registered trademark.
- 注冊商標的有效期多長(cháng)?How long will the registered trade-mark remain valid?
- 而生產(chǎn)商或注冊人應每30年申請辦理注冊商標的續展手續。But the producer or registrant shall apply for the registration renewal every 30 year.
- 未注冊商標unregistered trademark
- 新注冊商標new registered trademark
- 第17條商標主管機關(guān)應刊行公報,登載注冊商標及關(guān)于商標之必要事項。Article 17 The Government Office in charge of trademark matters shall publish and circulate an official gazette containing registered trademarks and necessary information in connection with trademarks.
- 產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng)為它們各自所有者的商標或注冊商標Product name is trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner
- 受讓人應當保證使用該注冊商標的商品質(zhì)量。The assignee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used.
- 假冒注冊商標counterfeit registered trademark
- 耐克是一個(gè)注冊商標.Nike is a registered trademark.
- 產(chǎn)品注冊商標為。The registered trade markof the products is. Brand.
- 自行轉讓注冊商標的。Where the registered trademark is assigned unilaterally.
- 第七章 注冊商標專(zhuān)用權的保護Chapter VII. Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks
- 假冒注冊商標罪Crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of another
- 產(chǎn)品注冊商標為..The registered trade mark of the products is... brand.
- 冒充注冊商標的;where the trademark is falsely represented as registered;
- 注冊商標專(zhuān)用權的保護protection of the exclusive rights to use registered trademarks