- Criminal Code in 1979 has not yet been made special provisions. 1979年刑法典尚未對此做出專(zhuān)門(mén)規定。
- Criminology is to study the Criminal Code, and the Criminal Code is the law prescribing crimes and penalties. 刑法學(xué)系以刑法為研究對象之學(xué)問(wèn),而刑法系規定犯罪與刑罰之法律。
- Special recidivism is a kind of plot of heavy penalty in Criminal Code and embodiment of synthesis idealism. 特別再犯是我國法定的從重處罰情節之一,體現了當代并合主義刑罰理念。
- Two years earlier, Attorney General Jim Guy Tucker had spearheaded a new criminal code through the legislature. 兩年以前,前任州檢察官吉姆.;蓋伊
- Besides, the crime of malpractice and illegal medicine has been definitely prescribed in the criminal code of our country. 此外 ,我國刑法也對醫療事故罪和非法行醫罪做出了明確規定。
- Limiting the rap capacity, is the important constitutive enzyme fraction of the rap capacity, exertive in the criminal code weighty action. (摘要)限制刑事責任能力,是刑事責任能力的重要組成部分,在刑法中發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要的作用。
- This part points out some shortages of the Recidivist system existing in our current criminal code, putting forward corresponding perfect suggestion. 該部分指出了我國現行刑法典規定的累犯制度存在的若干不足,并提出了相應的完善建議。
- The Criminal Code says a "common bawdy-house" is any place that someone keeps or occupies for the purpose of prostitution. 加拿大刑法規定,“一般的妓院”即個(gè)人經(jīng)營(yíng)或占有的任何一個(gè)地方。
- The Principle “nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege” is one of the basic principles to protect human rights in Criminal Code. 罪刑法定原則在刑法典中不只是一項保護人權的基本原則,從立法的角度看,更應該將它視為刑事立法上的一項重要原則。
- The Committee referred to the move that Indonesian Muslim organizations have pressured the government to arrest Gunawan citing Article 156 of the Criminal Code. 該委員會(huì )所指的是印尼回教組織向政府施壓,要求政府在刑事法典第156條款下逮捕古納萬(wàn)的做法。
- Most offences defined by the Criminal Code are hybrid offences , which allow the prosecution to elect whether to prosecute the offence as a summary or an indictable offence. 大多數犯罪定義的刑法典是混合的罪行 ,使檢察機關(guān)選舉是否提出檢控犯罪作為決或可公訴罪行。Until the Crown elects the offence is treated as indictable.;直到官方選舉被視為犯罪公訴。
- A new provision concerning the right of special defense has been added to the amended Criminal Code in 1997,which has aroused controversies among criminal jurists. 1997年新刑法對正當防衛進(jìn)行了重大修改,增加了特殊防衛的規定,由此引起了理論界很大的爭議。
- The criminal code only stipulates the crime of working unit but has not the stipulation of recidivist crime of working unit.This violates the legal spirit of criminal legislation. 二是僅規定單位犯罪卻無(wú)規定單位累犯有違刑事立法精神,應增設單位累犯;
- The author holds the belief that the type of consequence-aggravated crime including both intention and negligence should be eliminated from the criminal code of the P.R.C. 本文作者認為,在立法上應消除對加重結果既包含故意又包含過(guò)失的結果加重犯類(lèi)型,同時(shí)合理確定結果加重犯的法定刑。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發(fā)他是罪犯。
- Representative Bill Stancil took a lot of heat from the conservative pastors in his hometown of Fort Smith for his vote in favor of the revised criminal code. 眾議員比爾.;斯坦西爾由于投票支持修訂過(guò)的刑法,而遭到了家鄉史密斯堡保守派牧師的激烈批評。
- She can understand Swedish quite well. 她懂瑞典語(yǔ)。
- The Criminal Code says that anyone who regularly spends time with a sex worker and who is supported by the sex worker is assumed to be "living on the avails of prostitution". 該刑法還規定,無(wú)論何人,如果他/她經(jīng)常和一名性工作者呆在一起,并靠此性工作者維持生活,他/她的這些行為就被視為是“依靠賣(mài)*收入生活”。
- The Criminal Code stipulates that law enforcement administrators such as Li and Bai can be punished if they fail to refer suspected crimes found in their law enforcement process. 我國刑法典規定,像李和白這樣的執法人員可以因其在執法過(guò)程中涉嫌的犯罪行為而受到懲罰。