He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion [a good week-end holiday]. 他星期天下午出去游覽了一番[他過(guò)了一個(gè)愉快的周末]。
Thank you for your luncheon invitation for Sunday afternoon, January the tenth, at one o'clock. 感謝您邀請我(們)出席1月10日(星期天)下午1點(diǎn)舉行的午餐。
Sunday afternoon visitors; lost the game to the visitors. 星期日下午的來(lái)訪(fǎng)者; 輸給了來(lái)訪(fǎng)者
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. 渴望長(cháng)生不老者以百萬(wàn)計,而這些人是一旦遇上了星期日下午的下雨天就都不曉得怎么打發(fā)日子的。