- That saber is just with plum blossom! 那把短刀上的花紋就是梅花!
- Apricot and cherry in relationship were near with each other while they were far with plum. 杏、櫻親緣關(guān)系較近,此二者與李親緣關(guān)系較遠。
- The nose is developing with plum, cherry, a little heat on the nose and sweet gum scents. 感受到布冧、車(chē)里子、甜糖果和一點(diǎn)熱力在鼻子中。
- It is fruity and nice, with plum and cherry flavors, vanilla notes and sweet tannins. It has good persistence. 細致的水果口味,混有李子,櫻桃,香草與甜丹寧滋味。令人回味悠長(cháng)。
- If it was the fruit season, he would fill his pockets with plums and cherries. 在水果成熟的季節,他總要在衣袋里裝滿(mǎn)李子和櫻桃。
- She has mentioned him several times in recent days, from tweeting her plans to watch "Liar, Liar" and eat sushi with him to how she introduced him to the wonders of Cracker Barrel. 她多次提起他(在最近幾天)在微博客上多次提到她的打算,從觀(guān)看“大話(huà)王”,到和他吃壽司。
- A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plum; And in it put great lumps of fat, As big as my two thumbs. 國王做的大布丁塞滿(mǎn)了李子干還放進(jìn)了一塊大奶油像我的兩個(gè)拇指那么大。
- Deep-fried the mixture of fresh ground fish, shredded kaffir lime leavesand sliced yard-long beans. Served with plum sauce. 新鮮的馬加魚(yú)制成魚(yú)漿,加入檸檬葉絲及長(cháng)江豆后,下鍋炸成。附上梅子醬、黃瓜等特調泰式沾醬,光是這碟蘸醬就南洋風(fēng)十足。
- "Deep red color wine with plum, black cherry, truffle and dried date flavors. It has oak vanilla, mellow tannin texture with lingering finish. 酒色深紅,富李子,黑梅子,黑松露和干果氣味,口感圓滑,丹寧適中,余韻悠長(cháng)。
- Displaying deliciously ripe fruit characters, this elegant and generous Shiraz is bursting with plum cake, boysenberries and raisins. 成熟果實(shí)的芳香,充滿(mǎn)濃郁的葡萄干蛋糕、雜交草莓和葡萄干的味道,口感幽雅豐厚。
- Chiu Chow dishes are intense in flavour and combine ingredients such as duck boiled in spiced sauce, steamed lobster served with plum sauce, and fresh fish served with bean sauce. 潮州菜味道較濃,吃鴨會(huì )拌以甜酸鹵水汁,蒸蝦配上梅子醬,鮮魚(yú)則配上豆板醬。
- This leather-outsole shoes is made of red cloth material, toecap embroidered with plum branches in full bloom and flying magpie in the flowers, which means “Happiness”. 用紅色布料做成的皮底繡花鞋,鞋頭繡以盛開(kāi)的梅花枝頭,喜鵲飛舞在花叢中,寓意“喜上眉梢”。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發(fā)脾氣。
- "Cast sign up for with peach with plum " , from this, the factory that celebrate abundant and " helped deficient " knot up to issue an inextricability complex. "投之以桃報之以李",自此,慶豐廠(chǎng)與"扶貧"結下了一份解不開(kāi)的情結。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要處理。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 這次事故我是全部親眼看到的。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的計劃會(huì )同我的相吻合。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遺憾我們要與他們分別了。