- 反轉Stroop效應reverse Stroop effect
- 情緒Stroop效應the Emotional Stroop effect
- 閾下情緒啟動(dòng)效應和Stroop效應之對比實(shí)驗研究A Comparative Study of Subliminal Affective Priming and the Emotional Stroop Effect
- 分散和集中注意條件下的Stroop效應:意識的影響Stroop Effect under Divided vs.Focused Attention: the Influence of Consciousness
- 效應effect
- 溫室效應greenhouse effect
- 蝴蝶效應butterfly effect
- 品牌效應brand effect
- Stroop干擾Stroop interference
- 馬太效應"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- Stroop任務(wù)Stroop task
- 規模效應scale effect
- Stroop測驗Stroop task
- 協(xié)同效應synergistic effect
- 情緒Stroop法Emotional Stroop
- 光電效應photoemission
- 情緒Stroop范式emotional Stroop
- 邊際效應marginal utility
- 情緒Stroop任務(wù)EST