- The first round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks( SALT) between the U. S. and U. S. S. R. opened in Helsinki. Finland. 美蘇兩國在芬蘭赫爾辛基開(kāi)始第一輪限制戰略武器會(huì )談。
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II, SALT II 第二階段限制戰略武器談判
- SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制戰略武器會(huì )談
- strategic arms limitation talks( SALT) 限制戰略武器會(huì )談
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between Soviet Union and United States 蘇美限制戰略武器會(huì )談
- the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks placed limits on the deployment of ABMs. 限制戰略武器會(huì )議限制反彈道導彈的發(fā)展。
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制戰略性武器談判
- In 1979, President Carter and Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev signed the SALT Two strategic arms limitation treaty in Vienna. 1979年,美國總統卡特和蘇聯(lián)總統勃列日涅夫在維也納的二次限制戰略武器會(huì )談上簽署了戰略武器限制條約。
- Strategic Arms limitation and Reduction Talks between the USA and the USSR 美蘇限制和削減戰略武器條約
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 限制戰略武器條約
- strategic arms limitation treaty [SALT] 限武條約
- Strategic Arms Limition Treaties 美蘇限制戰略核武器條約
- And he inquired when we might be ready to engage in talks on the limitation of strategic arms. 而且他詢(xún)問(wèn)我們什么時(shí)候能準備好進(jìn)行限制戰略武器的談判。
- He showed similar adroitness and persistence in strategic arm control. 在戰略武器方面,他顯示出了同樣的機敏和執著(zhù)。
- The coming season; a coming report on arms limitation. 下一個(gè)季節; 限制軍備的即將到來(lái)的報告
- Strategic Arms Limitation 戰略武器限制
- The coming season;a coming report on arms limitation. 下一個(gè)季節;限制軍備的即將到來(lái)的報告
- Aim to limit talking or to control direction of conversation. 目的是為了限制談話(huà)或者控制談話(huà)的方向。
- Strategic Weapon Limitation Talk 限制戰略武器會(huì )談
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明顯的條狀紅腫。