- 轉錄因子SplTranscription factor Sp1
- 語(yǔ)義編程語(yǔ)言SPLsemantic programming language
- 基于SPL技術(shù)的工業(yè)數據庫應用系統開(kāi)發(fā)Exploitation of Industry Database Application System Based on SPL
- CP濕熱證患者與虛證患者之間的EPS-SPL比較有顯著(zhù)性差異,4)There was significantly different between the patients of damp-heat syndrome and dificiency syndrome in EPS- SPL.
- 豚鼠分別暴露110dB SPL白噪聲30min或120dB SPL白噪聲150min。Guinea pigs were exposed to either 110dB SPL white noise for 30min (ITS group )or 120 dB SPL for 150 nun (PTS group).
- 同期相比RIN組骨痂血管最豐富 ,END組次之 ,SPL組最少 ,組間差異顯著(zhù)。At the same time,the distribution of callus microangium in group RIN was the most affluence,and there was a significant difference between two groups.
- 結果在95dB(SPL)強噪聲暴露后,1kHz短純音引起的波幅明顯增大(P<0.05)。The result showed that after 95 dB (SPL) intensive noise exposure, the amplitude induced was augmented evindently after 1 kHz tone burst (P<0. 05).
- 鋁電解槽廢舊陰極碳(Spent Potlining簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)SPL)是鋁電解工業(yè)產(chǎn)生的廢料之一。Spent Potlining (SPL) is the byproduct waste of electrolytic aluminum industry.
- 結果表明較高頻泄漏聲波具有明顯的空間指向性特征,在泄漏口正前方聲壓級(SPL)較高。The results show that the sound radiation at high frequency present obvious character of directivity pattern. There is a higher SPL on the direction of right in front of the leak hole than other direction.
- 實(shí)驗表明:G30菌能在PP與MLN中激發(fā)L3T4亞群及淋轉的回憶反應,此外,SPL也產(chǎn)生了L3T4亞群的記憶應答。Results showed that significant memory responses of L3T4 subpopulation and proliferation were induced in PP and MLN.
- 適應組先在實(shí)驗室內暴露于強度為95 dB SPL(聲壓級),中心頻率為0.5 kHz的一個(gè)倍頻程噪聲,連續10 d,每天6 h;Subjects in conditioning group were exposed to an octave band of noise(OBN) centered at 0.5kHz,95dB SPL,6 h per day for 10 days.
- 本文在對照組和預先給予催產(chǎn)素處理的豚鼠上,比較了125dB(SPL)白噪聲暴露20min前后聲音強度辨別能力的改變,并比較了肌內注射和側腦室微量注射兩種不同給藥途徑的作用。In the present experiment, the changes of acoustic intensity discrimination ability(AIDA) before and after exposure to the white noise of 125 dB (SPL) for 20 min were compared between the control guinea pigs and those given oxytocin just before noise exposure by intramuscular injection or microinjection through brain ventricle.
- 嘿嘿,上面這段英語(yǔ)有點(diǎn)蹩腳,不過(guò)沒(méi)關(guān)系,官方是這么說(shuō)的,就這么引用,我們理解大概意思就成:SPL是一個(gè)“解決一些常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題,實(shí)現一些高效的數據訪(fǎng)問(wèn)”的類(lèi)和接口的集合。SPL - Standard PHP Library SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems and implements some efficient data access interfaces and classes.
- 在0.5、1、2、4kHz頻率單頻刺激骨導的ASSR反應閾分別為53、47、53、51dB SPL,多頻刺激骨導ASSR反應閾分別為59、54、63、61dB SPL,兩者間有高度顯著(zhù)性差異(P<0.01),且高頻處的差異相對較大。At 0.5,1,2,4 kHz,the thresholds of BC-ASSR to single stimuli were 53,47,53,51 dB SPL respectively; the thresholds of BC-ASSR to simultaneously multiple stimuli were 59,54,63,61 dB SPL respectively. There were significant differences between the two at each frequency.