- Air Force Reserve Specialist Training Center 空軍后備隊專(zhuān)業(yè)人員訓練中心
- If possible, you are expected to train our specialist in your training center. 如果可能的話(huà),希望能在貴方的培訓中心訓練我方專(zhuān)業(yè)人員。
- If possible,you are expected to train our specialist in your training center. 如果可能的話(huà),希望能在貴方的培訓中心訓練我方專(zhuān)業(yè)人員。
- Specialist training in the operation of advanced Medium Artillery. 訓練關(guān)于操作中型特有大炮的技術(shù)。每級技能增加中型特有大炮的傷害力2%25
- Specialist training in the operation of advanced small blasters. 訓練關(guān)于操作小型特有爆炸炮的技術(shù)。每級技能增加中型特有爆炸炮的傷害力2%25
- A: I'm studying English at a training center. 我現在在一個(gè)培訓中心學(xué)英語(yǔ)。
- They will set up a new training center. 他們要成立一個(gè)新的培訓中心。
- Welcome to Bright Future English Training Center! 歡迎來(lái)到光明未來(lái)英語(yǔ)培訓中心!
- Welcome to Shanghai EET English Training Center Co. 歡迎您!光臨上海英修培訓中心網(wǎng)站!
- I am also a counselor of this training center. 我也是這所訓練中心的顧問(wèn)。
- The department provides specialist training to enhance investigation, prosecution and other techniques. 該署又提供特種技能訓練,以增強調查和檢控工作以及其他方面的技巧。
- The department provides specialist training to enhance investigation,prosecution and other techniques. 該署提供特種技能訓練,以增強調查和檢控工作以及其他方面的技巧。
- Welcome to Yantsing education English Training Center in Beijing! 歡迎來(lái)到北京燕園華清英語(yǔ)培訓中心!
- The athletes have been sent to a new training center. 運動(dòng)員們被送到新的新的訓練中心。
- The department provides staff with recruit, development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute, and in-service training at individual penal institutions. 懲教署分別在職員訓練院為職員提供入職、發(fā)展和專(zhuān)科訓練,以及在個(gè)別懲教機構提供在職訓練。
- BWF has founded 2 of this training center around the world. 國際羽聯(lián)在全球范圍內設立了兩個(gè)國際培訓中心。
- Wish SuYue Latin Pou training center of more beautiful tomorrow. 祝蘇越拉丁舞培訓中心的明天更加美好!
- To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center. 聯(lián)系指導全國海關(guān)教育培訓中心。
- The department provides staff with recruit,development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute,and in-service training at individual penal institutions. 懲教署分別在職員訓練院為職員提供入職、發(fā)展和專(zhuān)科訓練,以及在個(gè)別懲教機構提供在職訓練。
- The SFDA Training Center also gives support to the meeting. 本屆會(huì )議也得到了國家食品藥品監督管理局培訓中心的大力支持。