- A series of six dynasties followed. 從此先后出現了六代王朝。
- RUAN JI is a prominent ideologist and poet in the Six Dynasties. 摘要阮籍是魏晉南北朝時(shí)期極富特色的思想家、文學(xué)家之一。
- On Female Versed Prose in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties 漢魏六朝女性賦述論
- Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody. 至六朝,題材多樣、篇幅短小的詠物小賦已成為賦中大宗。
- Basically, the gongti, whose theme was nobles' travel, represented a new fad in writing during the Six Dynasties period. 宮體基本上是一種新變文風(fēng),以貴游引領(lǐng)風(fēng)騷。
- This article shows the agreement and discrepancy between classical teaching and social practice with regard to women's life in the Six Dynasties. 摘要本文采用正史,文學(xué)作品,考古資料和墓志銘等史料探討六朝婦女生活。
- This gourmet center of complete Chinese style reflects the prosperity of Confucius Temple in this ancient capital of the six Dynasties. 純中式風(fēng)格的美食中心,體現了六朝古都的夫子廟的繁榮氛圍。
- The antitheses of funeral eulogies were relatively laggardly, and furthermore the number of the funeral eulogies was quite small in the Six Dynasties. 摘要誄文在六朝時(shí)期的駢化進(jìn)程是比較緩慢的,而且數量也不多。
- Modem studies tend to focus on the relation between the two theories on Wen and Bi, one from Wen Xin Diao Long, the other from the Six Dynasties. 故近現代以來(lái)不少專(zhuān)家學(xué)者對此重要問(wèn)題撰文予以探討,其中又較為集中在《文心雕龍》的“文筆”論及其與六朝時(shí)期“文筆”論之關(guān)系的研究上。
- Including bronzes unearthed in Anyang, Luoyang Jomon pottery unearthed in the pre-Qin; Tang Sancai, such as the Six Dynasties. 包括安陽(yáng)出土的銅器;洛陽(yáng)出土的先秦繩紋陶;六朝的唐三彩等。
- Women's economic activities in South China during the Six Dynasties (222-589) mainly involved sericulture, weaving and other forms of manual labor. 摘要六朝時(shí)期江南婦女的經(jīng)濟活動(dòng),主要是從事養蠶紡織等手工勞動(dòng)。
- Six Dynasties Olympic veterans, the current national shooting team head coach Wang Yifu became the first station of Anshan torchbearers. 奧運會(huì )六朝元老、現任國家射擊隊總教練王義夫成為鞍山站的第一名火炬手。
- Under such an impact, Six Dynasties' poetry betrays many features of fu, which in essence is drawing near of the poetry's aesthetic tastes to fu. 六朝詩(shī)歌在這種強勢文體的影響下,表現出賦的許多特征,鋪陳手法的運用、對偶等形式技法的借鑒正是這種傾向的外部體現,究其實(shí)質(zhì)則是詩(shī)歌審美趣味向賦的靠近。
- The article explains wholly the close connection between "Two Lus" and literature of Six Dynasties from a new angle ,that is ,noble and literature. 本文從世族與文學(xué)的新角度對“二陸”與六朝文學(xué)之密切關(guān)系做了較為全面的闡釋。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他發(fā)表了一篇充滿(mǎn)陳詞濫調的文章。
- While ghosts of the Six Dynasties pass like a dream Around the Forbidden City, under weeping willows Which loom still for three miles along the misty moat. 江雨霏霏江草齊六朝如夢(mèng)鳥(niǎo)空啼無(wú)情最是臺城柳。
- Abstract: Fictitious dements manifested in narrative works in Han Wei and the six dynasties demonstrate that people af that time generally had a fictitious awareness. 文章摘要: 漢魏六朝時(shí)期出現的大量具有虛構成分的敘事作品,足以說(shuō)明當時(shí)人們較普遍地具備了自覺(jué)的虛構意識。
- He writes a very clear simple prose. 他寫(xiě)著(zhù)一手簡(jiǎn)潔而明快的好散文。
- Its rise and fall, as a example, proved that a close contact with people in authority was key to the acquisition and maintenance of family status in the Six Dynasties periods. 虞氏家族在此期間的盛衰榮枯,例證了能否與權力中樞建立并保持密切的聯(lián)系,實(shí)乃中古家族可否晉身士流并維系其門(mén)第的關(guān)鍵所在。
- The third chapter especially clarifies themes, forms and techniques of Lianzhu style in six dynasties by which outlines Lianzhu style when it was extremely popular. 第三章則專(zhuān)章論述六朝連珠之題材及其形式技巧,通過(guò)這一過(guò)程勾勒出連珠這一文體在極盛時(shí)期的全貌。