- Wellcome to SiChuan Economic Management Institute! 歡迎光臨四川經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院!
- The system, which included the power distribution, transformers, SINAMICS drives, electrical housing, motors and control automation, was installed under a turnkey contract during a short plant shutdown with overall Siemens management and responsibility. 該系統包括電力分配、變壓器、SINAMICS驅動(dòng)、電力機房、電動(dòng)機和控制自動(dòng)化,這是在西門(mén)子的全承包合同下,由西門(mén)子全權管理和負責的,并在工廠(chǎng)短暫的停工期之內完成安裝的。
- We offer two Chinese translation related units at Civil Aviation Management Institute of China (CAMIC) in Beijing. 我們在北京的中國民航管理干部學(xué)院開(kāi)設有中英翻譯課和專(zhuān)業(yè)中英翻譯課。
- Project Management Professional (PMP). An individual certified as such by the Project Management Institute (PMI). 專(zhuān)案管理師----經(jīng)由專(zhuān)案管理學(xué)會(huì )(PMI)。認證合格的專(zhuān)業(yè)人士。
- This is a new town with Lu Beijing University Guanghua Management Institute formed Mr.MBA internship base reason. 這也是安亭新鎮與北京大學(xué)光華管理學(xué)院結成MBA實(shí)習基地的原因所在。
- The mission of the National Food Service Management Institute is to provide information and services that promote the continuous impro. 國際食品管理協(xié)會(huì )主要為兒童營(yíng)養可持續發(fā)展提供所需要的信息和服務(wù)。
- Roy Saunderson, president of the Recog??nition Management Institute in Lon??don, Ontario, finds impersonalization in the workplace. 安大略省倫敦市贊賞管理協(xié)會(huì )主席羅伊?桑德森發(fā)現了工作場(chǎng)合中的非人格化現象。
- Please be advised that the Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI) is the owner of the mark “OPM3,” which has been registered with the U.S. 茲通知計畫(huà)管理學(xué)會(huì ), 公司 (PMI) 是標志 "OPM3" 的擁有者,這已經(jīng)與美國專(zhuān)利權和商標辦公室一起登記。
- Cornell Waste Management Institute in Ithaca, N.Y., has compiled a database of more than 39 incidents in 15 states, affecting 328 people, as of August. 美國紐約州綺色佳的康乃爾廢物管理研究所建立了一個(gè)資料庫,到8月為止,已累積了39起事件的記錄,分布在15州,受害人達328人。
- Mr. Lam holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Sciences from the University of Windsor, Canada, and is a Fellow of Life Management Institute. 林氏持有加拿大溫莎大學(xué)數學(xué)及電腦科學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位,現為美國壽險內勤經(jīng)營(yíng)協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )員。
- The Project Management Institute provides seminars, educational programs, and professional certification that more and more organizations desire for their project leaders. 項目管理協(xié)會(huì )提供研討會(huì )、教育計劃和職業(yè)認證,越來(lái)越多的組織希望項目領(lǐng)導人由此認證。
- Joe continues to have responsibility for overseeing CMAA's Business Management Institute program and certification exam, study materials and certification review course. 現仍負責CMAA商業(yè)管理學(xué)院計劃及認證考核,學(xué)習資料和認證復習課程的監督工作。
- Professor Liang Xiaomin with the Economic Management Institute of the Beijing Industry and Commerce University believes practicing separate eating is only a matter of time. 北京工商大學(xué)經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院的梁小民教授認為,其實(shí)實(shí)行分餐制只是一個(gè)早晚的問(wèn)題。
- In 1999 he founded the Bright China Management Institute in China, followed in 2003 by the Bright China Foundation (BCF), which was expanded into China in 2005. 1999年,他創(chuàng )辦北京光華管理研修中心,2003年在洛杉磯設立光華公益基金會(huì )。
- V. Lehtiner, J. R. Lehtinen, Service Quality:A Study of Quality Dimension, Unpolished Working Paper, Service Management Institute Finland, Helsinki Finland OY, 1982. 易進(jìn)忠,內部服務(wù)品質(zhì)之研究,碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學(xué)生產(chǎn)系統工程與管理研究所,臺北,2003。
- Micro-systems include legal persons, legal management institutions, ownerships, and property rights. 微觀(guān)制度包括法人、法人治理結構、所有制、產(chǎn)權;
- OBJECTIVE:To provide references for setting up drug management institutions and formulating drug management policy. 目的:為我國藥品管理機構的設置及藥品管理政策的制定提供參考。
- That would have amounted to a sizeable subsidy to badly managed institutions. 這就等于向管理不善的金融機構提供一筆金額巨大的補貼。
- In Mongolia, pastoral social organization and pasture management institutions also highly flexible and fluid. 在蒙古,牧民社會(huì )組織和草場(chǎng)管理制度是高度彈性的和不固定的。
- As a PMP (Project Management Professional Credential) which is qualified by PMI (Project Management Institute), we need to renew our PDU to reach 60 PDU criteria within every 3-year cycle. 身為一個(gè)PMI認證的PMP國際專(zhuān)案管理師證照持有者,我們必須持續更新我們的PDU,在每三年一次的證照有效周期當中需要達到60個(gè)PDU才能繼續持有這張國際證照。