- 語(yǔ)句sentence
- 語(yǔ)句的lexical
- 經(jīng)典語(yǔ)句locus classicus
- 循環(huán)語(yǔ)句for statement
- 賦值語(yǔ)句assignment statement
- 條件語(yǔ)句conditional statement
- 這是引自《圣經(jīng)》的語(yǔ)句。This is a quote from the Bible.
- ON語(yǔ)句ON statement
- 阿戈語(yǔ)句ALGOL statement
- DO語(yǔ)句域range of DO
- 牧師引用《圣經(jīng)》的語(yǔ)句。The minister quoted from the Bible.
- 一些人在沉思中思考圣經(jīng)中的語(yǔ)句。Some people use their contemplative time to focus on a line of Scripture.
- 標題語(yǔ)句heading statement
- ALGOL語(yǔ)句ALGOL statement
- BEGIN語(yǔ)句BEGIN statement
- 保存語(yǔ)句SAVE statement
- 在算法中判定某個(gè)事實(shí)真假性的語(yǔ)句。A statement of fact to be tested for truth or falsehood within an algorithm.
- 被刪語(yǔ)句erasion
- 本體語(yǔ)句body statement
- 編譯時(shí)語(yǔ)句compile time statement