- Tokyo keeps a vigilant watch over Japanese airspace and is ready to scramble fighter jets to intercept suspicious airborne objects, the government reply said. 日本政府稱(chēng)其一直就對其領(lǐng)空保持了密切關(guān)注,并準備好立即動(dòng)用戰斗機攔截可疑空中物體。
- US authorities scrambled fighter jets above American cities as a precaution, but federal investigators said there was no evidence of terrorism in the crash, which happened during foggy conditions around3 pm. 美國當局數駕戰斗機緊急起飛,在美國各城市上空以備不測,但聯(lián)邦調查員稱(chēng),這次墜機沒(méi)有恐怖行動(dòng)的跡象,飛機是下午3點(diǎn)左右在大霧彌漫的情況下墜毀的。
- Our fighter planes are all armed with cannon. 我們的戰斗機都裝備了機關(guān)炮。
- There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家都在搶最好的座位。
- It's quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop. 費勁攀登才能到達山頂。
- The fighter plane was completely destroyed. 這架戰斗機徹底毀壞了。
- The sword is an attribute of a fighter. 劍是斗士的象征。
- Doctor Bethune is a great international fighter. 白求恩大夫是個(gè)偉大的國際主義戰士。
- She won't give up easily: she's a real fighter. 她不會(huì )輕易放棄的,她十分頑強。
- The promoters matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter. 發(fā)起人安排這位年輕的拳擊選手同一位更老練的拳擊手比賽。
- He was a sturdy fighter for racial equality. 他是一個(gè)為種族平等而奮斗的堅強戰士。
- He is a tireless fighter against racism. 他是一位不屈不撓的反種族歧視的斗士。
- He is a fighter with an unconquerable will. 他是個(gè)有著(zhù)不屈不撓意志的斗士。
- The fighter hit at his opponent but missed. 拳擊手向對手打了一拳,但是沒(méi)有打中。
- It's quite a scramble to get to the top of the hill! 要往上爬很長(cháng)一段路才能到達山頂呢!
- A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron. 飛機庫前面停機坪上,一架戰斗機正在起動(dòng)。
- It was a long scramble to the top of the hill. 到山頂須要爬登一段長(cháng)路。
- In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter. 在很短時(shí)期中,他成長(cháng)為一名偉大的共產(chǎn)產(chǎn)義戰士。
- Nurtured by the Party, he grown into a good fighter. 在黨的培育下,他已成長(cháng)為一個(gè)優(yōu)秀的戰士。
- The fighter planes quickly disengaged (from the combat). 殲擊機很快(從戰斗中)撤出了。