- 江蘇大麥禾谷鐮刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)酯酶同工酶的測定Determination of Esterase Isoenzymes of Fusarium graminearum Schw. on Barley in Jiangsu
- 我們在證實(shí)麥胚凝集素(WGA)能抑制禾谷鐮刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)The Authors have previously proved that wheat germ agglutinin WGA could inhibit the germination of the conidia of Fusarium graminearum Schw.
- 228她戴著(zhù)眼鏡,穿著(zhù)一件厚毛衣。She wore glasses and a thick wool .
- 引起小麥赤霉病的鐮刀菌至少有20種,我國和美洲的主要致病菌為禾谷鐮刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw)。Petch is one of the worldwide destructive disease of wheat in the warm, semi-humid and humid regions. Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat has been linked to at least 20 causal organisms, but FHB mostly caused by Fusarium graminearum in China and America.
- 228例兒童癲癇停藥后復發(fā)的相關(guān)因素分析Factors Associated with Relapse after the Withdrawal of Anticonvulsant Therapy: a Study of 228 Children with Epilepsy
- 九龍江河口區水體中的~(226)Ra和~(228)Ra~(226)Ra and ~(228)Ra in Jiulong estuarine area
- 輸尿管鏡下氣壓彈道碎石治療尿路結石臨床觀(guān)察228例Clinical observation of treatment for urinary calculus with air pressure trajectory lithotrity under ureteroscope in 228 cases
- 烏貝拉巴巴西東部一個(gè)重要的畜牧業(yè)中心。人口180,228A city of eastern Brazil west of Belo Horizonte. It is the center of an important stock-raising area. Population,180,228.
- 全年全國共有產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量檢驗機構4500個(gè),其中國家檢測中心228個(gè)。By the end of 1998,there were altogether 4,500 institutions in China that were responsible for the inspection and supervision of the quality of manufactured products,including 228 state inspection centers.
- Hughes,多變單格孢M(jìn)onodictys fluctuata (Tandon & Bilrami) M.B.Ellis,光滑單格孢M(jìn)onodictys levis (Wiltshire) Hughes,黑素單格孢M(jìn)onodictys melanopa (Ach. Ex Dawson Turner) M.B.Ellis,黑單格孢M(jìn)onodictys niten (Schw.)Hughes, Monodictys fluctuata (Tandon & Bilrami) M.B.Ellis, Monodictys levis (Wiltshire) Hughes, Monodictys melanopa (Ach. Ex Dawson Turner) M.B.Ellis, Monodictys niten (Schw.) Hughes, Monodictys putredinis (Wallr.) Hughes, Mycoenterolobium platysporum R.
- 所以,2006年在“228”政策下貸款的人們到2008年就會(huì )嘗到苦頭。So the worst news from the 2006 vintage may not be felt until 2008.
- 新疆博斯騰湖沉積巖心的~(210)Pb、~(228)Th、~(239,240)Pu和~3H的分布及意義DISTRIBUTIONS OF ~210Pb, ~228Th, ~(239,240)Pu AND ~3H AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN SEDIMENT CORE FROM BOSTEN LAKE, XINJIANG, CHINA
- 這些麻煩的貸款是在“228”的基礎上出貸的,也就是出貸后頭兩年低利率,之后28年高利率。These teaser loans were done on a “two and 28” basis (with low rates applying for the first two years, and higher rates for the next 28).
- 語(yǔ)言與概念之形成:跨語(yǔ)言分析〉?!缎袨榭茖W(xué)研究》,第18卷第三期(1983),228到256頁(yè)。Guiora, A. "Language and concept formation: A cross-lingual analysis." Behavior Science Research 18(3) (1983): 228-256.
- 共有29個(gè)樣品檢測出ZEN,含量范圍在0.3-228 ppb,其中3個(gè)樣品的ZEN含量超過(guò)國家限量標準100ppb。However, only 29 samples were contaminated with ZEN at fairly low amount of 0.3-228ppb, and there were 3 samples over 100ppb, the allowable limit of China National Food and Drug Standard.
- 用于CAU資源家系QTL回歸區間定位分析的228對微衛星標記,覆蓋4774.1cM,平均標記密度達到20.9cM。QTL regression interval mapping was performed based on the CAU genetic linkage map constructed with 228 pairs of microsatellites, which covered 4774.1 cM with the average marker density 20.9cM.
- 結果:臨床228名幼兒聾啞患者得到了聽(tīng)力檢測,并依此結果,對37名幼兒患者進(jìn)行了人工耳蝸植入手術(shù),效果滿(mǎn)意。Cochlea implant is successfully implanted in37 cases of228 deaf-mute infants tested with the device.
- IR與VEGF呈正相關(guān)(r=0.614,P=0.000); NO與EDD呈正相關(guān)(r=0.228,P=0.026),NO與VEGF呈負相關(guān)(r=-0.385,P=0.000);IR was positively correlated with VEGF(r=0.614,P=0.000),and NO was positively correlated with EDD(r=0.228,P=0.026).
- Kosciuszko國家公園--在新南威爾士最大的國家公園里,探索洞穴、湖泊、森林和澳大利亞最高的Kosciuszko山峰(2,228米)。Kosciuszko National Park - Explore caves, lakes, forests and Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko (2,228m), in NSW's largest national park.