- 破壞wreck
- 破壞的destructive
- 環(huán)境破壞environmental decay
- 暗黑破壞神DIABLO
- 27減去3等于24。27 take away 3 leaves 24.
- 破壞者Hun
- 10多年來(lái)這3個(gè)孩子一直靠他們的姥爺、姥姥養活。The three children have been sponging on their grandparent for over ten years.
- 嚴重破壞havoc
- 你所提到的那個(gè)人3年前離家外出,從此就沒(méi)有他的消息了。The man you speak of went abroad three years ago and no news of him has since come.
- 他選出3個(gè)從來(lái)幫助做這事。He counted off three men to help with the job.
- 他們的破壞嚴重影響了生產(chǎn)。Their sabotage put back production badly.
- 3是12的約數。3 is a submultiple of 12.
- 人為破壞man-made sabotage
- 3個(gè)孩子交給我媽看管。My mother was left with three children.
- 生態(tài)破壞ecological damage
- 這3只瓶一模一樣。The three vases were as like as peas in a pod.
- 這車(chē)的后座可坐3個(gè)人。Three people can sit in the back of this car.
- 敵人的狂轟濫炸在這個(gè)國家造成了空前的死亡和破壞。The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
- 他坐了3年牢。He was in hock for three years.
- 破壞環(huán)境的經(jīng)濟活動(dòng)environmentally damaging activities