- standard inspection sheet 標準檢驗單
- Keep and disposal all the EOL inspection sheet. 生產(chǎn)下線(xiàn)檢查表記錄的保持及處理。
- Responsible for filling in the inspection sheet, record and table of contents. 負責填好送檢單,檢驗記錄和檢驗臺帳。
- Prepare quality plan and inspection sheet for new project or design change. 制定新產(chǎn)品或設計更改的產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量控制計劃。
- You are already booked up from the middle of next week but you could do a standard inspection (2 hours) on Monday or Tuesday. 你下禮拜后半段的日程已滿(mǎn),不過(guò)你可以在禮拜一或禮拜二進(jìn)行一次標準的視察工作(2個(gè)小時(shí))。
- So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office, part of the labour ministry. 而勞動(dòng)基準監督署(厚生勞動(dòng)省的一個(gè)部門(mén))也這樣認為。
- Standard inspection of polyester filament yarn 聚酯長(cháng)絲紗檢查標準
- Revise machine inspection sheets and maintenance schedule coordinating other engineers and foremen. 協(xié)調其他工程師和工段長(cháng)修改設備檢查表和維修計劃表。
- Quality Standard Inspection Criteria 質(zhì)量標準檢查準則
- Clinical Use of the Fluids Infusion Inspection Sheet 輸液巡視單的臨床應用
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓詞有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 這是有關(guān)這個(gè)問(wèn)題的權威著(zhù)作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商標局)會(huì )寄給你標準表格要你填寫(xiě)。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那個(gè)國家好久之前就放棄金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 這樣的物價(jià)與我們的生活水準相符。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 這樣的罐頭認為是不合格的。
- Technical Standardization Inspection 技術(shù)標準化檢查
- Cum non sis, qui fueris, non esse,cur"velis vivere. “當你到了今日之我非復昔日之我的時(shí)候,就沒(méi)有再要活下去的理由了”。
- Their work is not up to standard. 他們的工作成績(jì)不夠標準。
- This is the standard textbook on the subject. 這是這一科的權威性課本。