- 用計算機圖形處理軟件定量分析SEM圖像Application of Software PHOTOSHOP in Quantitative Analysis of SEM Photograph
- 計算機圖形處理軟件在SEM圖像定量測定中的應用The application of software PHOTOSHOP in quantitative study on SEM photos
- 圖像picture
- 圖像處理image processing
- 數字圖像處理digital image processing
- SEMSEM(scanning electron microscopes)
- 圖像分割image segmentation
- SEM圖SEM image
- 圖像識別pattern recognition
- SEM照SEM images
- 數字圖像digital image
- 圖像壓縮image compression
- 圖像增強image enhancement
- 二值圖像bianry image
- 視頻圖像VI
- 圖像預處理image preprocessing
- 今晚電視圖像不清晰。The television picture is fuzzy tonight.
- 圖像傳感器picture sensor
- 灰度圖像gray level image