- On the Concept Foundation of the Roman Law System 論羅馬法律制度的觀(guān)念基礎
- Lesson 18 Law System (Chinese law system - Roman law system - English law system) 第18課法系(中華法系;羅馬法系;英國法系)
- The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一節:論證英美法和羅馬法的聯(lián)系。
- The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law. 近現代地上權肇端于羅馬法。
- A Discussion on the Landscape Law System in China. 我國園林法規體系初探。
- How to Build Chinese Green Tax Law System? 構建我國綠色稅收法律體系?
- Usucaption regime is an ancient law system. 取得時(shí)效制度是一項古老的法律制度。
- In Roman law two levels of diligence were recognized. 在羅馬法中,有兩種等級的謹慎。
- The Roman law was too complicated and scattered by then. 當時(shí)羅馬法律既繁又亂。
- He had been deposed because of his defiance of Roman law. 亞那因為違抗羅馬的法律而被罷免。
- The superficies of Roman law was just embryonic form of modern one. 羅馬法的地上權制度僅僅是現代民法地上權制度的一個(gè)雛形。
- Under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery. 根據羅馬法規定,向主人投降是成為奴隸的正當理由。
- The rule of law prevails,along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法為基礎推行法治。
- Countercharge system, a very useful system in practice, can be traced back to offset plea in Roman law about 1,300 years ago. 反訴制度,是一項實(shí)務(wù)性很強的制度。它肇始于一千三百多年前的古羅馬時(shí)期,由羅馬法中的抵消抗辯發(fā)展而來(lái)。
- Discussing the Law System for Coal Production Safety. 試論煤礦安全生產(chǎn)法體系。
- The rule of law prevails, along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法為基礎推行法治。
- That is claiming and opposing to constitute case law system. 即主張建立判例法制度和反對建立判例法制度。
- Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage. 共食婚是羅馬法中最古老,最莊重的結婚儀式。
- Part 3, Structuring of the main administrative law system. 第三部分,主要行政法律制度的建構。