- 科學(xué)帥才K.T.康普頓K.T.Compton, a great academic leader of American science
- 蔡振華教練是中國乒乓球隊的帥才。Cai Zhenhua is a born commander of China's ping pong team.
- 他有帥才,要是生在戰爭年代準能當個(gè)大將軍。He is a born commander, and would have been a general if born in the years of war.
- 你有科學(xué)方面的非凡天賦。You have a marvelous gift for science.
- 這部科學(xué)儀器受到嚴重損壞。This scientific instrument suffered severely.
- 主人公KThe leading character K
- 他從事科學(xué)研究。He is engaged in scientific pursuit.
- 連通K覆蓋connected k -coverage
- 康普頓耗損Compton loss
- 他為一家大眾科學(xué)雜志撰稿。He writes for a journal of popular science.
- 清華K-G模型Tsinghua K-G constitutive model
- 科學(xué)儀器的制造必須非常精密。Scientific instruments have to be made with great precision.
- K型管道節點(diǎn)Tubular K-joint
- 他的死是科學(xué)的重大損失。His death means a great loss to science.
- 苯并[k]熒蒽benzo(k) fluoranthene
- 科學(xué)上,每天都有新的發(fā)現。New scientific discoveries are being made every day.
- 他回家時(shí)兩個(gè)三K黨人突然襲擊了他。Two Ku Klux Klanners set upon him as he was going home.
- 科學(xué)尖端acme of science
- 人參皂苷C-Kcompound-K
- 她有科學(xué)頭腦。She has a scientific mind.