What the Roman and Grecian multitude could not hear, after the lapse of ages a few scholars read, and a few scholars only are still reading it. 那是古羅馬和古希臘平民聞所未聞的,時(shí)代遷流,潛心誦讀它們的學(xué)者已成稀有,而今唯少數學(xué)者亦不輟研讀這些作品。
It bloomed in the textbooks of high school and colleage, flickered in the lecture notes of Chinese teachers, radiated in the sounds of incalculable students' reading. 它曾經(jīng)淀開(kāi)在大中學(xué)生的教材里,搖曳在中文老師的講義上,燦爛在無(wú)數學(xué)子的誦讀中。