
[b?k]     [b?k]    
  • n. 書(shū);本子
  • v. 預訂;記錄在案
booker booked booked booking books



n. (名詞)
  1. 書(shū),書(shū)籍
  2. 本子
  3. 名冊,賬簿,帳冊
  4. 著(zhù)作
  5. 歌詞
  6. 卷,篇,部
  7. 腳本
  8. 電話(huà)號碼簿
  9. 簿冊
  10. 支票簿
  11. 課業(yè),功課
  12. 賭注登錄
  13. 印刷出版物
  14. 裝訂成冊的一套東西
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 預約,預訂,定,預雇
  2. 登記(姓名)
  3. <英>登記住入旅館,到…辦理入住手續
  4. 和…預約演出日期
  5. 裁判,裁判記名警告(犯規運動(dòng)員)
  6. 為某人預訂
  7. 將...登記入冊以作指控之用,記下違法行為,記錄(控告事實(shí))
  8. 登載
  9. 為...登錄賭注
  10. 記入,把…記載入冊,把…列入
  11. 給...注冊,給...掛號
  12. 定座位
  13. 定票
  14. 托運
  15. 記賬
  16. 訂立演出契約
  17. 立案
  18. 指控某人某項罪名
  19. 離開(kāi)
  20. 學(xué)習
  21. 通過(guò) ... 預訂
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 書(shū)籍的
  2. 書(shū)本上的,在書(shū)中的,來(lái)自書(shū)上的
  3. 賬面上的,帳簿上的
  4. 根據書(shū)本的


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 書(shū),書(shū)籍 number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover
  2. [P] 賬簿 written records of the finances of a business; accounts
  3. [C] (大型著(zhù)作的)卷,篇,部 any of the main divisions of a large written work
  4. [C] 歌劇的歌詞 the words of an opera
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 預訂 ask and pay for a seat for the theatre, a journey etc.; reserve〔arrange〕 in advance to have sth
  2. vt. 登記,記賬 write down orders, etc. in a notebook
  3. vt. 訂立演出契約 hire in advance


  1. a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together);

    "I am reading a good book on economics"

  2. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together;

    "he used a large book as a doorstop"

  3. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone;

    "Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'"
    "his name is in all the record books"

  4. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance

  5. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded;

    "they got a subpoena to examine our books"

  6. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game

  7. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made;

    "they run things by the book around here"

  8. the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina

  9. the sacred writings of the Christian religions;

    "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"

  10. a major division of a long written composition;

    "the book of Isaiah"

  11. a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge;

    "he bought a book of stamps"

  1. engage for a performance;

    "Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo"

  2. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance;

    "reserve me a seat on a flight"
    "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"
    "please hold a table at Maxim's"

  3. record a charge in a police register;

    "The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man"

  4. register in a hotel booker



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. That student lost his book yesterday.
  2. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. I'll book you on a direct flight to London.
  2. You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
  3. He was booked on a charge of speeding.
  4. He was booked by the referee for foul play.


用作名詞 (n.)
a closed book
    自己一無(wú)所知的科目 subject about which one knows nothing
according to〔by〕 the book
    嚴格按照規章辦事 strictly according to the rules
one for the book(s)
    不平常的事 sth worth noting〔recording〕
read like a book
    清楚地了解某人的動(dòng)機、思想等 understand clearly sb's motives, thoughts, etc.
    read sb like a book

    I can read you like a book:you're not sorry at all.


    I know what he'll probably do—I can read him like a book.

    我知道他很可能會(huì )干什么——我對他了如指掌。

suit one's〔sb's〕 books
    對某人方便;合某人心意 be convenient or acceptable to sb
throw the book at
    〈非正〉嚴懲,嚴斥;盡量往…身上加罪名 be punished; make as many accusations as possible
an open book
    直爽而容易了解的人 person who is easily understood and very frank
be at one's books
    用功地學(xué)習 study hard
be in sb's good〔bad〕 books
    得到〔得不到〕某人的好感或贊許 have〔not〕 have sb's favour or approval
bring to book
    審查;盤(pán)問(wèn);懲罰某人 require sb to give an explanation of his behaviour; punish sb
    bring sb to book

    He was eventually brought to book for his treachery.


every〔any〕 trick in the book
    每一種〔各種〕招數或計謀 every〔any〕 trick that can be used to achieve what one wants
in one's book
    〈口〉按某人個(gè)人看法 in one's own opinion
like a book
    徹底地,正確地,準確地 very clearly
on〔off〕 the books
    在〔不在〕名冊上 (not) in the record
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
book down (v.+adv.)
    登記 put down in a book; register
book for (v.+prep.)
    因…而記下名字 write down (one's) name for (some) reason
    be booked for sth

    I'm afraid he's booked for a long illness.


    I am booked for it.


    book for sth

    He has booked for the play.


    He booked for the following day's bus.


    I've booked four seats for Friday's concert.

    我已訂了4個(gè)星期五的音樂(lè )會(huì )的座位。

    book sb for v-ing

    The driver was booked for exceeding the speed limit.


    He was booked for speeding.


    Wendy passed her driving test and was booked for speeding the very next day.


book in (v.+adv.)
    為…訂房間 reserve a place for sb in one hotel
    book in

    We booked in at 3 o'clock.


    He booked in immediately on arrival at the university.


    Where do we book in?


    Would you please book in?


    Those people haven't booked in yet.


    We booked in as soon as we arrived at the Royal Hotel.


    It is time for you to book in.We have no time to lose.


    They haven't booked in; I don't think the receptionist has noticed them.


    He booked in at that hotel.


    It is always advisable to book in early when you want a hotel room in the tourist season.


    You have to book in before you can move into the hotel.


    Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.


    Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.


    book sb/sth in

    One of the attendants booked us in while two others helped us carry our things upstairs.


    It was alleged that Martin, who did not arrive on time, had been booked in by Arnold.


    Detailed items of all the goods to be shipped have to be booked in.


    book sb in

    I had booked us in at a hotel in Torquary.


    I've booked you in at the Grand Hotel.I hope you approve.


    Let's book him in at the Hilton Hotel.


    My aunt is coming to stay so I've booked her in at the nearest hotel.


    If they're only staying for two nights,I suggest that you book them in at the Palm Beach.


book into (v.+prep.)
    簽到,登記 sign one's name on the list of guest at the hotel, etc.
    book into some place

    He booked into the Hilton Hotel last night.


book off (v.+adv.)
    〈美·非正〉(尤指因與雇主不和)宣布某一天不上工 declare one's intention not to work on a particular day, especially because of a disagreement with one's employer
    book off

    When I was working on the railway,I had to book off after eight hours' work.


    book off sick

    Three hundred men have booked off sick at the car factory.


book out (v.+adv.)
    客滿(mǎn) have all one's space filled
    book out

    I'd like to book out early in the morning.


    I'll book out for all of us.How much should I pay?


    book sb out

    He booked me out.


    The clerk is busy booking the guests out.


    book sth out

    I'm sorry, the hotel is booked out.


book out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    逐出,開(kāi)除 informal make sb leave a house, job, club, etc., often because of bad behaviour or bad work
    book sb out of sth

    Now that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes.


book through (v.+adv.)
    訂購直達票 buy a ticket for the whole of a divided journey
    book through

    If you have to change trains in London, you may be able to book through; ask the ticket collector.


    book through to sth

    I shall book through to Nanchang.


    Can I book through to Naples?


    book sb sth through to sth

    Can you book me a ticket through to Naples?


book up (v.+adv.)
    預訂,預訂座位 make reservations; have no free time left through pressure of engagements, etc.
    book up

    〔說(shuō)明〕 book up不用于被動(dòng)結構。

    If you want to go to Hangzhou for your holiday, you ought to book up now.


    You will have to book up early if you want to see that film.


    book sb/sth ? up

    He would like to book up the ticket for tomorrow.


    They have booked the whole place up for weeks.


    All the hotels are booked up for the season, you will never find anywhere to book in at now.


    The performance is booked up.


    It's booked up; I can't get tickets.


    I'm booked up all next week.


    Sorry,I cannot come; I am already booked up for that evening.


    The singer is always booked up for a year ahead.


    I'm afraid I can't come; I'm booked up all next week.


    I might go out if I had anybody to go with.Are you fully booked up?

    如果有人作伴,我可能會(huì )出去的。你是不是一點(diǎn)也沒(méi)有空?

    I'm afraid I can't see you this week; I am booked up every evening.

    這一周我恐怕不能去看你,因為我每天晚上都有約會(huì )。


用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 ~+后置定語(yǔ) 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The witnesses, that subscribed the booke of the purchase.

    出自:Bible (AV): Jeremiah
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