- The Labour Department administers labour laws in force in the HKSAR. 勞工處負責執行香港特別行政區的勞工法例。
- The Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department helps people with disabilities integrate into the community through open employment. 勞工處的展能就業(yè)科協(xié)助殘疾人士在勞動(dòng)市場(chǎng)公開(kāi)就業(yè),融入社會(huì )。
- About 47 111 people were placed in jobs through the Local Employment Service of the Labour Department in 1999. 年內,透過(guò)勞工處本港就業(yè)輔導組找到工作的,約有47111人。
- We will strengthen the Job Matching Programme in the Labour Department and upgrade our re-training services. 我們也會(huì )加強勞工處的就業(yè)選配計劃及改善再培訓課程。
- We will strengthen the job matching programme in the Labour Department and upgrade our retraining services. 我們也會(huì )加強勞工處的就業(yè)選配計劃,及改善再培訓課程。
- Most of the respondents perceived that the effectiveness of employment service of labour department was low. 被訪(fǎng)者對于勞工處的就業(yè)服務(wù)有一定的成見(jiàn),認為其作用不大。
- The recruitment activities are conducted by Employment Information and Promotion Programme of the Labour Department. 勞工處所舉辦的展覽會(huì )及招聘活動(dòng)由就業(yè)資訊及推廣計劃所推行。
- Advise on measures to be adopted by the Labour Department with a view to improving its conciliation service. 向勞工處建議可采取的措施,以改善其調解服務(wù)。
- Post vacancies online with the Interactive Employment Service of the Labour Department. 雇主可透過(guò)勞工處互動(dòng)就業(yè)服務(wù),于網(wǎng)上刊登職位空缺。
- Company must first contact the Labour Department before employing underage personnel. 雇傭未成年工必須先到勞動(dòng)局備案。
- Of these cases, 97.5 per cent were referred by the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department after unsuccessful conciliation attempts. 在這些個(gè)案中,有97.;5%25是經(jīng)勞工處勞資關(guān)系科調解未果,交由審裁處接辦的。
- From September 1999, he worked as director of Personnel and Labour Department of CNPC. 1999年9月任中國石油集團人事勞資部主任;
- The Labour Department's Telephone Enquiry Service handles enquiries on labour legislation and services offered by the department. 勞工處的電話(huà)咨詢(xún)服務(wù)處理有關(guān)勞工法例和勞工處各項服務(wù)的查詢(xún)。
- In 1999,the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department provided conciliation service in 290 trade disputes,a decrease of 14 per cent over 1998. 一九九九年,勞工處勞資關(guān)系科為290宗勞資糾紛提供調解服務(wù),較一九九八年減少14%25。
- Of these cases,97.5 percent were referred by the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department after unsuccessful conciliation attempts. 在這些個(gè)案中,有97.;5%25是經(jīng)勞工處勞資關(guān)系科調解未果,交由審裁處接辦的。
- The unit works closely with the Labour Department's Selective Placement Service to ensure that training matches the demands of the local employment market demand. 該組與勞工處展能就業(yè)組緊密合作,確保所提供的訓練切合本港就業(yè)市場(chǎng)的需要。
- My son is 20 in age this year and has participated in the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme offered by the Labour Department. 我的兒子今年20歲,他參加了勞工處展翅計劃,我可否申請這個(gè)兒子的免稅額?
- Advise on measures to be adopted by the Labour Department with a view to improving the administrative machinery related to employees'compensation. 向勞工處建議可采取的措施,以改善與雇員補償有關(guān)的行政機制。
- Labour Department Job Centres across Hong Kong have facilities to smooth the job-hunting process and make it easier for you to find a good job! 勞工處的就業(yè)中心遍布港九新界,有很多設施協(xié)助你找工作,好的工作,就在這里!
- A Moslem ruler, provincial governor, or judge. 穆斯林的統治者,地方長(cháng)官,或法官