Provident Society

  • n. 互助會(huì );互濟會(huì )

Provident Society的用法和樣例:


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. You should put your money in a bank or building society account where it will be as safe as houses, rather than in one of these dubious high-interest investments.
    你應該把錢(qián)存入絕對安全的銀行或建屋互助會(huì ),而不是用于毫無(wú)把握的高息投資。
  2. This programme tells the story of how a new computer system implemented by the Britannia Building Society in the UK, has helped to improve their service to customers.
    以個(gè)案形式介紹英國不列顛建屋互助會(huì ),如何統一集團內各機構的電腦系統。
  3. In another instance, three persons were starving, so the township government and the mutual-aid society immediately gave them rice.
    有三個(gè)人沒(méi)有飯吃,鄉政府和互濟會(huì )就馬上捐米救濟他們。

Provident Society的相關(guān)資料:


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