- 打開(kāi)Application Support文件夾中的Real文件夾Open the Real folder within the Application Support folder
- BZ28-1 52,000dwt生產(chǎn)儲油船單點(diǎn)系泊工程中YOKE/SUPPORT的制造Fabrication of Yoke/Support Assembly for BZ 28-1 52,000dwt Storage Tanker
- 執行Office XP或Word 2002的典型安裝時(shí),沒(méi)有默認安裝Support.dot。Support. Dot is not installed by default when you perform a typical installation of Office or Word.
- End User Client Support(最終用戶(hù)客戶(hù)支持)可以快速解決最終用戶(hù)的疑問(wèn)和問(wèn)題End User Client Support to resolve end user questions and problems quickly
- Foong Yen Lee是馬來(lái)西亞吉隆坡Developer Technical Support Center的一位IT專(zhuān)家。Foong Yen Lee is an IT Specialist at the Developer Technical Support Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 可選擇的End User Desk-side Support(最終用戶(hù)現場(chǎng)支持)為您的最終用戶(hù)提供額外的援助Optional End User Desk-side Support to provide an additional level of assistance to your end users
- IBM Lotus Support既不認可也不支持使用改變的模板或其他定制的Domino Web Access安裝。IBM Lotus Support neither certifies nor supports Domino Web Access installations using altered templates or other customizations.
- 作為IBM Advanced Technical Support團隊的一員,他參與了許多客戶(hù)約定和基準測試方面的工作。As part of the IBM Advanced Technical Support team, he has participated in numerous customer engagements and benchmarks.
- Microsoft Help and Support網(wǎng)站包含各種文章集合、故障排除向導、可以下載的文件以及其他有用的產(chǎn)品信息。The Microsoft Help and Support Web site contains an extensive collection of articles, troubleshooting wizards, files you can download, and other useful product information.
- 該示例說(shuō)明包含support_errorinfo、event_source和event_receiver的若干個(gè)常用的IDL屬性、COM屬性和編譯器屬性。The sample demonstrates several commonly used IDL, COM, and compiler attributes, including support_errorinfo, event_source, and event_receiver.
- 對于說(shuō)明由定制模板而導致一些事件的客戶(hù),IBM Lotus Support將指示該客戶(hù)恢復普通模板,以查看問(wèn)題是否仍然存在。IBM Lotus Support will instruct customers who open incidents resulting from a customized template to revert to the stock template to see whether or not the problem still occurs.
- 分析有線(xiàn)業(yè)務(wù)運營(yíng)支撐系統(Business &Operation Support System,BOSS)的需求,然后討論BOSS的分析與設計技術(shù)。This article payes attention to analyze the requirement of Business & Operation Support System(BOSS) and discusses the technology of the analysis and design of cable BOSS.
- 群體間通信問(wèn)題是群決策支持系統 (group decision support system,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng) GDSS)研究中所要考慮的一個(gè)重要問(wèn)題 .Communication problem between groups is an important problem which must be taken into account in the research of Group Decision Support System (GDSS).
- 如果您想要向不屬于“客戶(hù)”角色的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)者顯示“支持”鏈接,可以對Support.aspx文件的站點(diǎn)地圖節點(diǎn)使用roles屬性。If you want show the Support link to clients who are not in the Customers role, you can use the roles attribute in the site-map node for the Support. Aspx file.
- 標記圖像文件格式(TIFF)and圖形交換格式(GIF)are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames。Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames.
- 此服務(wù)依賴(lài)于下列服務(wù):Event Log、NT LM Security Support Provider、Remote Procedure Call(RPC)、Server和Workstation。This service is dependent upon the following services: Event Log, NT LM Security Support Provider, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Server, and Workstation.
- 支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是由Boser,Guyon和Vapnik發(fā)明,并首次在計算學(xué)習理論(COLT)1992年年會(huì )論文中提出。Support Vector Machine (SVM) was invented by Boser, Guyon and Vapnik, and was put forward at the 5th annual ACM Workshop (1992) on Computation Learning Theory (COLT) for the first time.
- 隨后討論了軟件結構中各層次的實(shí)現,詳細討論了VxWorks BSP(Board Support Package, 板級支持包)和VW2010 驅動(dòng)程序的實(shí)現。Then the implementation of the DVR's software layers was discussed in detail, such as VxWorks BSP, the device driver of VW2010 chips.
- 如果仍然遇到問(wèn)題而想連接到 Internet 參考服務(wù),請閱讀 Internet explorer 文件夾中的 Support.txt 文件獲取產(chǎn)品支持電話(huà)號碼。If you still encounter problems and are trying to connect to the Internet Referral Server, read the Support.txt file, located in the Internet Explorer folder, for support information.
- 自20世紀80年代以來(lái),作為群決策支持系統分支的談判支持系統(Negotiation Support System,NSS)受到國內外研究談判的學(xué)者們關(guān)注。Since 1980s, Negotiation Support System (NSS), which is regarded as a branch of Group Decision Support System, is focused on.