- The Church of England is not the power in the land it used to be. 英國教會(huì )在國內不如以前那樣得勢了。
- The minister left the church of England and went over to Rome. 該教士脫離了英國國教圣公會(huì ),皈依羅馬天主教了。
- Henry VIII founded the Church of England. 享利八世創(chuàng )建了英國國教。
- The Queen is titular head of the Church of England. 英國女王是英國國教名義上的領(lǐng)袖。
- He belongs to the Church of England. 他屬于英國教會(huì )。
- The Presbyterian Church is the established Church of Scotland. 長(cháng)老宗教是社會(huì )確認的蘇格蘭教會(huì )。
- There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and in Scotland the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland. 英國有兩大國教,在英格蘭是英格蘭國教,蘇格蘭是蘇格蘭教會(huì )(長(cháng)老教)。
- It was called the Church of England, or the Anglican Church. 被稱(chēng)為英國國教或英國圣公會(huì )。
- A member of a Protestant church not observing the doctrines, usage, or polity of a national or established church, especially the Church of England. 不信奉國教的人新教教會(huì )的一個(gè)成員,他不遵從國家的或已建立的教會(huì )的教義、習慣做法或政體,尤指英國教會(huì )
- The Church of England votes to allow women to become priests. 1992年的今天,英格蘭教堂投票允許女性成為牧師。
- The Calvinistic Methodist or Presbyterian Church of Wales is the only Church of purely Welsh origin, drawing its members from large section of the Welsh-speaking population. 卡爾文主義的衛理公會(huì )教士或威爾士的長(cháng)老派教會(huì )是惟一由純威爾士人組成的教會(huì )。
- Queen Elizabeth, 79, head of the Church of England, arrived separately by car. 79歲的伊麗莎白女王是英國教堂的領(lǐng)袖,她是單獨坐車(chē)來(lái)到這里的。
- Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu. 教會(huì )英國,天主教徒,衛理公會(huì )派教徒,回教,猶太,印度錫克教徒。
- A member or an adherent of a Presbyterian Church. 長(cháng)老會(huì )教徒,長(cháng)老會(huì )教義支持者
- This led to his departure for Canada where as a United Empire Loyalist he founded the first Presbyterian church of Montreal and subsequently of Upper Canada, at Williamstown near Cornwall. 他的胸外科醫術(shù)在加拿大、英國和美國醫學(xué)界享有盛名。
- A Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England. 在英國不是英國國教成員的新教徒。
- Governing body of a Presbyterian church. 長(cháng)老會(huì )的管理機構。
- The Puritan movement began in the Church of England in the sixteenth century. 清教徒的運動(dòng)在十六的世紀內在英國的教堂中開(kāi)始。
- A ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. 長(cháng)老基督教長(cháng)老會(huì )的統治長(cháng)老
- A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church. 長(cháng)老基督教長(cháng)老會(huì )中教誨教義的長(cháng)老