- Pearson相關(guān)分析Pearson correlation analysis
- type Ⅱdistribution二型分布
- Pearson相關(guān)指數Pearson's correlation coefficient
- Distribution Codes,Inc.分配數碼公司
- Pearson-x2距離Pearson-x2maximum distance
- 表示由當前Type實(shí)現或繼承的所有接口的Type對象數組。An array of Type objects representing all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type.
- bivariate type Ⅱdistribution二元二型分布
- Pearson偏相關(guān)分析sludge volume reduction
- distribution phase(α-phase)分布相, α-相
- Type-A半群Type-A semigroups
- Pearson相關(guān)性分析Pearson corre-lation analysis
- Fischers distribution費希爾分布
- Type-2模糊集Tpye-2 Fuzzy Set
- Pearson相關(guān)性系數Pearson correlation coefficient
- distribution fuse panel (電話(huà))配線(xiàn)熔線(xiàn)盤(pán)
- Type-Ⅱ模糊集Type-Ⅱ Fuzzy Sets
- Neyman-Pearson準則Neyman-Pearson criterion
- serial distribution (滲水系統的)串聯(lián)布設
- 大家可能猜想有一個(gè)名為“type”的關(guān)鍵字。You might expect there to be a keyword called "type," and that certainly would have made sense.