- It didn't take China long to get abreast of Russian and American technology in guided missiles. 在中導方面,中國沒(méi)用多久就與俄國和美國技術(shù)并駕齊驅了。
- Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles. 關(guān)于操作和發(fā)射非常巨大制導導彈的技術(shù)。每級技能增加巡洋艦導彈傷害力5%25
- This is a nuclear submarine armed with guided missiles. 這是一艘備有導彈的核潛艇。
- The Marine Police took delivery of three eight-metre and four nine-metrere placement inshore patrol craft and eight replacement fast-pursuit craft for the Small Boat Unit. 水警為小艇隊更換了3艘8米長(cháng)和4艘9米長(cháng)的近岸巡邏警輪,以及8艘高速船。
- The stimulant experiment for a J patrol craft was carried out by using SCADAIII data collecting implement and CADA-X signal analysis system from Belgian LMS. 以J型巡邏艇作為研究對象;并利用比利時(shí)LMS公司的SCADAIII數據采集器及CADA X信號分析系統對其進(jìn)行激振實(shí)驗和模態(tài)分析.
- It will not take China long to get abreast of Russian technology in guided missiles. 中國并不需要很長(cháng)時(shí)間就可以在導彈技術(shù)方面與俄國并駕齊驅。
- A small,fast,highly maneuverable warship armed with guns,torpedoes,depth charges,and guided missiles. 驅逐艦一種小型、快速、高度武裝的戰艦,裝備著(zhù)火炮、魚(yú)雷、深水炸彈和制導導彈等
- A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles. 驅逐艦一種小型、快速、高度武裝的戰艦,裝備著(zhù)火炮、魚(yú)雷、深水炸彈和制導導彈等
- Warship empty guided missile technical. 艦空導彈技術(shù)的發(fā)展趨勢。
- A rocket, guided missile, satellite, or airplane. 火箭、導彈、衛星或飛機
- He locks onto his target like a guided missile. 他就像一枚導彈一樣鎖定了目標。
- Long Range Maritime Patrol Craft 遠程海上巡邏艇
- The up-to-date cruisers and destroyers are equipped with guided missiles, you know. 最新式的巡洋艦和驅逐艦都裝備了導彈,知道嘛。
- Patrol Craft Combat Direction System 巡邏艇戰斗指揮系統
- A new study reveals bats zero in on a target using techniques employed by guided missiles. 一項新的研究顯示:蝙蝠會(huì )運用制導導彈技術(shù),全力追蹤一個(gè)目標。
- Patrol Craft Combat Directory System 巡邏艇戰斗指揮系統
- Furthere north, on the seacoast, is the Vandenburg Air Base where guided missiles and satellites blast off. 再往北去,在海邊有范登堡航空基地,這是發(fā)射導彈和衛星的地方。
- Patrol Craft Submarine Chaser Control 獵潛巡邏艇控制
- It is arming vessels with advanced guided missiles and adding more capable aircraft to naval air wings. 中國為軍艦配備了先進(jìn)的制導導彈、并加強了海軍的空中作戰力量。
- Automatic Guidance Programming Patrol Craft Tenders 自動(dòng)制導編程巡邏艇供應船