- 文字character
- 字letter
- 八字character 8
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- 拼字spelling
- PSCPutonghua Proficiency Test (PPT)
- 雙字double word
- PSC檢查PSC inspection
- 紅字rubrication
- PSC輔導課PSC guidance course
- 印字lettering
- 大字majuscule
- 丁字t-shaped
- 從音位看PSC錯誤和缺陷的判定Judging errors and defects by PSC from the perspective of phoneme
- PSC朗讀的情感需要The Emotional Needs For PSC Reading
- 字元character
- 語(yǔ)調偏誤與PSC的定性On Intonation Errors and PSC Determination
- 白字wrongly written and mispronounced character
- 粒子散射系數(PSC)particle scattering coefficient (PSC)