- CCC能有效提高和延續地榆葉片的SOD,POD酶活性。CCC could improve and continue the activities of SOD, POD.
- 甜櫻桃砧木葉片中POD酶活性和砧木的生長(cháng)勢呈顯著(zhù)負相關(guān)。The activity of POD enzyme in sweet cherry leaves had significately negative correlation with vigorous growth trend of rootstocks.
- 蘋(píng)果不同矮砧與其對應中間砧植株P(guān)OD、IOD酶活性的研究Studies on the POD and IOD Activities of the Dwarfing Stocks and Red Fuji Apple Grafted on Corresponding Interstocks
- 高矮稈夏谷發(fā)育差異與其葉片POD酶譜變化的相關(guān)研究Relationship between the Leaves POD Change and Developing Characteristics in High and Dwarf Plant Type of Summer Millet
- 肺結核患者外周血腺苷脫氨酶活性與淋巴細胞的相關(guān)性研究Relevance of peripheral blood adenosine deaminase and the lymphocyte absolute value with pulmonary tuberculosis patients
- 對小麥SOD活性的研究表明,小麥葉片中POD酶活的上升可能與其它途徑而不是SOD誘導產(chǎn)生的H2O2有關(guān).It is indicated that the increase of POD activity in the leaves may be caused by H_2O_2 produced from sources other than SOD.
- 不同培養時(shí)間和玉米粉濃度對三株根霉產(chǎn)酶活性的影響。The Influence of Different Cultivation-Time and Maize Meal Concentration on The Enzyme Activity Produced by Rhizopus Spp.
- 仿酶活性activity of imitated enzyme
- 脲酶活性urease activity
- SOD酶活性SOD activity
- ATP酶活性ATPase activity
- 脂酶活性fat ferment activity
- 長(cháng)期定位施肥對土壤酶活性的影響及其調控土壤肥力的作用Effects of long-term fertilization on soil enzyme activities and its role in adjusting-controlling soil fertility
- 急性有機磷農藥中毒病人重復洗胃后血膽堿酯酶活性的變化Activity Changes of Blood Cholinesterase in Patients With Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Accepted Repeated Gastric Lavage
- 血漿酶活性activities of plasma enzymes
- 血清酶活性activity of blood serum
- 轉醛酶活性activity of transaldolase
- 酶活性變化change of enzyme acitivity