- The eval() function evaluates a string as PHP code. 函數的作用是:返回與PHP代碼相對應的字符串。
- Get the latest distributions of Apache and PHP. 獲得最新版本的Apache和PHP。
- The next step is to get a PHP page displayed. 下一個(gè)步驟是顯示一個(gè)PHP頁(yè)面。
- A setting of zero causes PHP to behave as before. 設為0將使PHP的行為和從前一樣。
- It is possible to call recursive functions in PHP. 在PHP中可以調用遞歸函數。
- Be aware, that this setup of PHP is not secure. 注意,這樣安裝的PHP并不安全。
- The convert filters were added with PHP 5.0.0. 轉換過(guò)濾器是PHP 5.;0
- These filters are not available for PHP 4. 此過(guò)濾器在PHP 4中不可用。
- PECL makes it easy to create shared PHP extensions. PEAR使建立共享PHP擴展庫更容易。
- With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. 使用PHP,您并不局限于輸出HTML。
- PHP 3.0 Is rewritten from the ground up. PHP 3.;0從底層重寫(xiě)了代碼。
- PHP 5 will include the new Zend Engine 2.0. PHP 5將包含新一代的Zend Engine 2.;0。
- PHP code to execute for every input line. 對每個(gè)輸入行都執行PHP代碼。
- PHP constants do not exist outside of PHP. PHP常量不存在于PHP之外。
- PHP file to execute for every input line. 對每個(gè)輸入行都執行PHP文件。
- PHP is capable of transforming links transparently. PHP可以透明地轉換連接。
- PHP is not limited to creating just HTML output. PHP不僅限于只產(chǎn)生HTML的輸出。
- Has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode. 在安全模式下不起作用。
- Love Dating Szh Down List Phpt r x x Love Love tHongh Kong | vistatelier. 名牌 投資日志 看圖說(shuō)話(huà) 臺灣腳逛大陸 飛黃騰達 Airport rHongh Kong | vistatelier.
- The root of the PHP pages, used only if nonempty. 頁(yè)面的根位置,僅在非空時(shí)使用;