- 經(jīng)PCI術(shù)的患者術(shù)后服用他汀類(lèi)藥物(3-6個(gè)月)及阿司匹林治療。The adverse events during and after PCI were registered.
- 校正TIMI幀數對急診PCI術(shù)后ST段回落及急性心肌梗死患者短期預后的評價(jià)Evaluation of ST segment resolution of short-term prognosis in acute myocardial infarction after post operation with CTFC
- 后queen
- 存在無(wú)復流現象的患者死亡率、再次心肌梗死和惡性心律失常發(fā)生率等增加數倍,急、慢性心功能不全發(fā)生率也明顯增加,嚴重影響了AMI患者PCI術(shù)后的長(cháng)期預后和生活質(zhì)量。The incidence rate of mortality, reinfarction, malignant arrhythmia and acute or chronic heart failure was many times increased in patients with NRP, which seriously influenced the long term prognosis and life quality.
- 后的posticus
- 低分子肝素在PCI術(shù)中的應用是有效的、安全的。Using low-molecular-weight heparins in PCI is effective and safe.
- 方法:2004年8月至2004年12月期間行PCI術(shù)的患者共計64名。Methods: From 2004 Aug to Dec, 64 patients were included.
- PCI術(shù)中病變數,其中三支病變數高危組占66.6%,中危組31.1%,低危組沒(méi)有;PCI outcomes showed that three artery stenosis was 66.6%25 in high risk group,31.1%25 in medial,none found in low risk group;
- 呃逆在術(shù)后期間很令人煩惱。Hiccups can be very annoying in the postoperative period.
- DHS術(shù)后After DHS qperation
- 癌術(shù)后After cancer
- 對照組與試驗組在PCI術(shù)結束后分別通過(guò)大腔導管于梗塞相關(guān)血管注入NS與BM-MNCs。NS or BM-MNCs was infused into the infarct related artery through the guiding catheter after PCI in control group and trial group respectively.
- 剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后出血分析Analysis on Haemorrhage after Caesarean Operation
- 痔術(shù)后Hemorrhoids after operation
- 術(shù)后的post-op
- AMI患者血漿BNP在A(yíng)MI患者PCI術(shù)與對照組比較有顯著(zhù)性差異(P <0 .0 5 ) ,PCI治療后呈明顯下降趨勢。There was a significant difference in plasma BNP levels in PCI group than in control group and that in PCI group took on an obvious decrease after treatment(P<0.05).
- 術(shù)后痛postoperative pain
- 術(shù)后疝postoperative hernia
- 術(shù)后瘺postoperative fistula
- 術(shù)后飲Shuhouyin