- 1907至1914之間,他們掠走了34箱絹軸國畫(huà)和其他藝術(shù)品。Between 1907 and 1914 they carried away 34 cases of silk scroll paintings and other works of art.
- 第一國際(1864-1876)the First I-
- 我們的統計應該是:遷到美國的斯拉夫移民總數,從1881到1914大約為六百萬(wàn)人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000.
- 寶鋼1876名高齡職工健康普查報告Health mass survey on 1876 aged staff and workers of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Company
- 我們的統計應該是:遷到美國的斯拉夫移民總數,從1881到1914大約為六百萬(wàn)人。We must reckon the total Slavic immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1914 at about 6, 000, 000
- 論1876至1879年間西方新教傳教士的對華賑濟事業(yè)Reliei Effoits of Western Christan Missionaries in China from 1876 to 1879
- 魏斯曼,奧古斯特·弗雷德里希·利奧波德1834-1914德國生物學(xué)家。他認為遺傳特征是由胚層原生質(zhì)傳遞的German biologist who asserted that hereditary characteristics are transmitted by a germinal plasm.
- 在一戰中(1876-1917)一個(gè)荷蘭舞女因作德國間諜被法國處死的人。Dutch dancer who was executed by the French as a German spy in World War I (1876-1917).
- 第一次世界大戰(1914)過(guò)程中的戰斗,激烈但是非決定性的協(xié)約國和德國人都努力沖破其他的防線(xiàn)。Battle in World War I (1914),heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others.
- 她的文筆堅定、纖柔、有趣而成熟,立刻使讀者想到威拉·凱瑟(1876-1947)。Firm, feminine, amused, mature, her writing reminds the reader at once of Willa Cather(1876-1947).
- Urdu作家象Rajender Singh Bedi和Krishn Chander 1914-1977顯示了承諾對馬克思主義的哲學(xué)在他們的文字。Urdu writers like Rajender Singh Bedi and Krishn Chander 1914-1977 CE showed commitment to the Marxist philosophy in their writings.
- 她的文筆堅定、纖柔、有趣而成熟,立刻使讀者想到威拉·凱瑟(1876-1947)。Firm, feminine, amused, mature, her writing reminds the reader at once of Willa Cather (1876-1947) .
- 皮爾斯,查爾斯·桑德斯1839-1914美國哲學(xué)家、數學(xué)家和科學(xué)家,是創(chuàng )建實(shí)用主義的科學(xué)家之一且對邏輯學(xué)的發(fā)展作出了很多貢獻。American mathematician and astronomer known for his studies of Uranus,Neptune,and Saturn's rings.
- 麥克勞德,約翰 詹姆斯 理查德1876-1935英國心理學(xué)家,因發(fā)現胰島素獲得1923年諾貝爾獎British physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 溫道斯,阿道夫1876-1959德國化學(xué)家,因研究固醇及固醇與維生素的聯(lián)系獲1928年諾貝爾獎German chemist. He won a1928 Nobel Prize for conducting research on sterols and their connection with vitamins.
- 布雷格,布拉克斯頓1817-1876美國內戰時(shí)期南部聯(lián)盟將軍,在查塔努加戰役時(shí)被擊?。?863年)。American Confederate general in the Civil War who was defeated in the Chattanooga Campaign(1863).
- 伍德伯里,海倫 勞拉 薩姆納1876-1933美國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟學(xué)家,以其對于勞動(dòng)和婦女選舉權的研究而著(zhù)名American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.
- 伍德伯里,海倫·勞拉·薩姆納1876-1933美國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟學(xué)家,以其對于勞動(dòng)和婦女選舉權的研究而著(zhù)名American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.
- '電話(huà)'這東西嚴格說(shuō)有太多的缺點(diǎn),根本不能作為通訊的工具。對我們毫無(wú)用處可言?!?-西部聯(lián)合通訊公司內部備忘錄,1876。This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."--Western Union internal memo, 1876.
- 提頓族人中達科他蘇人的領(lǐng)袖(1831-1890);在北部大平原拿起了反抗殖民者和美國軍隊的武器;他參加了在小大角羊的戰斗(1876)a chief of the Teton Dakota Sioux (1831-1890); took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against US Army troops; he was present at the battle of Little Bighorn (1876) when the Sioux massacred General Custer's troops