- Capacity: limit an operating unit can handle. 生產(chǎn)能力:一個(gè)作業(yè)單元滿(mǎn)負荷生產(chǎn)的最大限度。
- Each week produced reams of data on each of ITT's operating unit. 關(guān)于國際電話(huà)電報公司生產(chǎn)單位的情況,每周都有大量的數據。
- Possesses a good working knowledge of the operating unit. 熟悉裝置操作知識,適當的相關(guān)專(zhuān)業(yè)技能;
- Utilise group resources in the achievement of operating unit goals. 利用集團資源達成運營(yíng)單位的目標。
- It is proved that some operating units can be simulated by Gambit and Fluent to guild scientific research and engineering research. 同時(shí)說(shuō)明利用Gambit和fluent可以對化工中的一些操作單元進(jìn)行模擬,以進(jìn)一步指導科學(xué)研究和工程設計。
- For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization. 對于擁有一個(gè)以上運行單位的組織,可以把每一個(gè)單獨的運行單位視為一個(gè)組織。
- When feedback from various operating units arrives, any forecast should be reviewed in the light of changing circumstances. 任何預測必須在各業(yè)務(wù)單位的情況反饋回來(lái)后,根據環(huán)境的變化重新考慮。
- Provided that they are applicable to the specific operating unit or activity that will be subject to the standard. 只要它們能夠適用于本標準所規范的特定營(yíng)運單位或活動(dòng)。
- The 4th Fighter Wing is an operational unit of the US Air Force. 第4戰斗機聯(lián)隊是美國空軍的一個(gè)作戰部隊。
- These light HCs, when discharged together with the waste wat-er to WWT facilities, could be lossed and give effect on the safety of operating units. 這部分輕烴隨污水排放到水處理車(chē)間;一方面造成輕烴的損失;另一方面影響生產(chǎn)裝置的安全.
- NOTE - For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization. 組織中有一個(gè)以上的營(yíng)運單位者,其單一的營(yíng)運單位也可定義為一個(gè)組織。
- The necessary funds were obtained by the government's appropriation of the company's operating unit. 政府撥款使那家公司的運營(yíng)部門(mén)獲得了必要的資金。
- We have no corporate meetings, no corporate budgets, and no performance reviews (though our managers, of course, oftentimes find such procedures useful at their operating units). 在berkshire我們沒(méi)有企業(yè)會(huì )議,也沒(méi)有年度預算,更沒(méi)有績(jì)效考核(當然各個(gè)企業(yè)單位因應自身所需,有自己的一套管理辦法) ,
- The CRC line operating unit shall implement the ticket price a roved by the municipal people's government and make it public. 軌道交通線(xiàn)路運營(yíng)單位應當執行市人民政府批準的票價(jià)并予以公布。
- Upon completion of the program, trainees will be assigned to a permanent posting in one of the operating units depending on performance and suitability. 培訓結束后公司將根據您的才華安排你到適合您特長(cháng)的部門(mén)從事管理工作。
- The Company public security fire departments, approved by the Administration for Industry and Commerce authorized the professionalism of the operating units. 本公司經(jīng)市公安消防部門(mén)、工商行政管理局核準認可的專(zhuān)業(yè)性經(jīng)營(yíng)單位。
- An important choice that a major multinational has to make is the extent to which it controls such logistics centrally, or devolves autonomy to operating units. 大型跨國公司必須做出的一個(gè)重要選擇是:它要在多大程度上集中控制這些后勤問(wèn)題,或是在多大程度上將自主權下放給各個(gè)業(yè)務(wù)單位;
- The CRC line operating unit shall install public telephone, litter-box and other necessary service amenities at the station. 軌道交通線(xiàn)路運營(yíng)單位應當在車(chē)站設置公用電話(huà)、廢物箱等必要的服務(wù)設施。
- And the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction on the violator, and also on the person who is in charge of the business operating unit. 主管部門(mén)應當對直接責任人和經(jīng)營(yíng)單位負責人給予行政處分。
- If CRC ca ot run normally due to a breakdown, the pa enger with a valid ticket has the right to request the CRC line operating unit to refund the original ticket price. 軌道交通因故障不能正常運行的,乘客有權持有效車(chē)票要求軌道交通線(xiàn)路運營(yíng)單位按照原票價(jià)退還票款。